Moses and Yahweh The Exodus Setting the Stage / Allan Lichtman is wrong and Trump will win

Moses and Yahweh The Exodus Setting the Stage [Video]


Allan Lichtman is wrong and Trump will win [Video]

Allan Lichtman video

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August 15, 2020

Question?  After recent screw ups made by trump how can you say that the people really want Trump for another two years?

Question?  What will happen with the social security that the whole population has paid into if they will be getting only half of what they are entitled to?  How will they survive? Welfare?  And what will happen when people will have to pay top dollar to see a doctor and for medication?  What about being in the hospital?  Here is another thing…what about the cost of insulin?

people are dying because they can’t afford it. like that person who had to skip days for  his insulin?

people can not afford to not have their medication and if Trump has his way only the 1% will have the right to medical care.

And if Trump is doing such a great job with this covid virus then explain why the boarders into Canada is still closed?(for those who drive cars)

Here is a question…Why can’t there be mail in ballots?  How can they be fraudulent? Isn’t it the same principle as mailing your taxes?  And look at what he is doing to the post office but yet he is going to mail his ballet so how can he say that will be fraudulent?

Just remember I am Canadian and I have watched all this from a far and just for the record if Trump is re-elected Canada and the world is screwed.


August 20, 2020


What are the two screw-ups that you mention?

People on Social Security are still receiving their full paycheck. I receive Social Security.  So nothing is happening to Social Security.

Insurance still exists so no one, unless uninsured, is paying top dollar.  Trump just passed an executive order announcing that America will be able to buy medication from Canada, so I hope you are excited about that since it will help your country’s economy.  Trump also passed signed an executive order making it easier and cheaper for people on Medicare and Medicaid (maybe more) to receive insulin.

There is more to this virus that we do not understand.  New Zealand just received cases after going 100 days without cases so I can see borders being closed for a while no matter how well a country manages their situation.

China was caught sending fake ballots to California.  There are instances where the dead and even pets, for some reason, send in a ballot to be counted through the mail.  Sometimes, the mail is just lost.  There is a difference between absentee ballots and mail-in ballots.  And some states said that mail-in ballots can be received 7 days after the election dates cause a delay in who in the election on election day and many other problems.

If Trump is re-elected Canada and the world will not be screwed. He has been trying to help y’all defeat China.

August 20, 2020


We as Canada has no issues with China or Russia or even North Korea.

The screw ups I mean is the stopping the pay roll tax that is part of the payments for social security and also the idea that there will be election fraud…How can that happen?

And the part about canadian drugs people there can get them but they need to have a Canadian doctor and an address here and are only allowed a three month supply to bring back to the USA.  From what I read I don’t think Canada will be giving any drugs with out a doctors prescription.

Here is what I read.

And look at what he has said about Good year tires…..He didn’t even listen to what they said and why…..I can understand that Good year just wants no advertising like Black lives matter in the work place.

August 23, 2020


I have an issue with China and what they do to people like taking their organs out of alive to donate them to other people.  Using slave labor to make products and so more. North Korea and Russia basically starve their people.

Social Security only has enough money to last until 2034 at the current rate that it is going.  The system was not designed to last forever unless you raise taxes or increase the retirement age.  Trump is eliminating that payroll tax cut and instead, Congress will vote on how much money to put in the Social Security System so that it does not collapse on itself.  I don’t know, he may return Americans their money to invest in their own retirement.  The system isn’t safe and needs to be revamped anyways.

What you are saying is how it currently operates or at least that is what the article said.  Here, probably next year, we will be able to order medication from Canada online.

And Goodyear reversed its policy to Blue Lives Matter and more at the workplace.

August 24, 2020


We did raise the retirement age to 67 but then too many people got into a hissy fit and it was changed back.  But as long as people are working there should always be enough money for them to collect their SS and other retirement monies.  Here we have something called Canada pension Plan and we also have  something called Old Age Security and that will never run out and those who don’t qualify for the CPP get something called Gain so as a Canadian we will always be able to live and not worry plus we have free medical now and our prescriptions will always be cheaper. The pharmacies only charge $10.00 for their service to put the medication into the bottles and it’s been like that forever.  And the more one can get it’s still even cheaper.  People can get about three months worth and refills for up to a year.  For some reason I don’t understand why people in the USA have to go every month to get their re-fills for some medications. That seems to be a lot of wasted money for the doctors.

Question? How can Americans order their medication from Canada on line if they don’t have a prescription from a Canadian doctor?  I thought most doctors like the people to see them?

I know all about what China, Russia and North Korea does but I just stay out of it and let them run their countries as they see fit. And I would never travel to these countries because there are too many travelers that end up arrested and killed for no reason.

September 2, 2020


Things will change, even in Canada. Systems are collapsing. America is about greed and money and I don’t care for that system. I think money should be eliminated.

It would be a prescription from our doctor or video call one of your doctors. My wife and I can call Canada for free.

September 2, 2020


China is starting to act like Nazi Germany and exterminate races. To me, that is going too far.