The Horror Intensifies

My hearing is fading
The vibration of sound waves
Traveling on its destination
To my ears
All of a sudden stops
Paranoia enters my head
Unknown to the existence
Of where I am

I can smell
The roses die
Watching the petals fall
One at a time
I wonder the same about me
The sun pumps
Light through my flesh
But darkness has set in
And my energy becomes dim

I must be insane
For this disease
Controls my nervous system
Devouring the connection
To process the touch and feelings
I should always have
Been able to possess
And I fall to the ground
Hoping to bleed to death

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November 6, 2019

If you are going to bleed to death can we at least have a bright neon yellow color for the blood? red is so ugly now adays and makes such a mess to clean up? LOL

November 7, 2019


Sure, why not!  I might die before I can figure that one out, lol.

November 8, 2019

I have seen a few petals fall off me. I just keep changing soils.

November 10, 2019


I like that.