Not wearing trainers

Is there any point in worrying about having a scattering of blogging sites that I access? Instead of using one for all, I seem to prefer using many, each for a different purpose. That seems both wise and silly. Is there any point in fussing about it, though? I really don’t think so, so I should probably just take it for what is is, and stop worrying quite so much. Which is nigh impossible!

I want to write more. I need to write more. I don’t want my creativity to get stale again, and I do want to become a successful author. Only one way to do that – write, write, and write some more! Interspersed with plenty of varied reading, of course. The only way I can improve my weak points is to study them – romance, extroverts, fiction – whether I end up enjoying them or not. It’s my homework to myself.

Thankfully I recently purchased an e-reader – that’ll make getting my studying in so much easier. Granted, a lot of books I’m not at all willing to pay for, and would much rather rent. Of course, I still don’t have my library card, despite having lived here for over two years. I need to fix that. At least I get plenty of classics for free (I’ve already read through a few of them), and I do tend to enjoy them. I can’t get enough of Sherlock Holmes right now!

My goal is to read 50 books this year, and I think I’m at 7 or so right now. I know it’s not much compared to some other goals I’ve seen, but one must be aware that I don’t read nearly as much as I used to, and certainly not the books I’m eager for. At least four of those were ones of a rather lackadaisy fantasy series, the fifth (and final) of which I’ve just started recently. Although I’m enjoying reading them, I don’t think they’re good at all, and also just plain want them to be over. I’m excited to make my way towards bigger and better books.

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