Big smile, like you mean it

Today is “Power of a Smile Day.” Why do you think a smile can be so powerful? Is not smiling just as powerful? Make sure you share some of those smiles with people and help make their day, even if you don’t think they deserve them. But don’t give fake smiles, try to be genuine and understanding. Fake smiles can be just as “powerful”.

I don’t know what it is, but a true smile is one of the most powerful things in the world. A smile just seems to literally to brighten a day.

I know in my case I really try to smile whenever I am speaking with someone – it just seems to make things go so much smoother and it tends to get things not only done quickly, but everyone involved tends to be happier.

One of the best things in the world to me is when my dogs smile at me. I know it is silly, but my dogs do smile at me – especially Obie. I don’t know what it is, but puppy smiles make everything better.


How can someone not smile at this face. Imagine this face running at you when you get home from a long day at work, and jumping up and down because it is so happy to see you. It brings a smile to your face and joy to your heart.

A smile can bring joy and hope. A smile can be contagious, spreading around a group in a short amount of time and causing the collective hearts to start to lighten, perhaps causing it to fly.

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June 29, 2010

I smiled when I saw this picutre. I love when my puppy smiles at me too, it’s awesome.