Coming Home – EasyDiary

I’m trying to decide if my sense of homecoming is a bit off as in my head I am imagining Tim Curry in Rocky Horror Picture Show singing “I’m going home.”

There is so much I want to write, so many things I’ve had in my head that I wanted to put in my diary – but my diary was gone. Nothing else felt right, no other site could compare and just made me homesick. I type much faster than I write so paper diaries drive me a bit crazy. Just typing in a document program felt so barren and distant.

But this – this feels right.

And now there is so much, too much, I have in my head that I want to write down. I want to write about meeting Peter S. Beagle and about cooking experiments. I want to write about the cool things my students are doing and the way they make me crazy and about making new friends only to lose them. I want to write about interviewing a possible new teacher from my school that not only grew up in Alaska, he lived in the same area AND went to my high school, graduating nine years after I did – Gods that makes me feel old!

So many things, but I feel that I need to remember that this is still in Beta and that I need to think about testing things and that I want to actually be useful.

Open Diary was a lifeline for me. Writing there helped me deal with depression and the cutting, helped me deal with my crazy family and my crazy brain – it helped me to find a safe way to cope and to heal.

Easy Diary feels like it will be the same – it feels right. I am happy beyond measure and cannot find the words to express just how awesome I think this is and how thankful I am that EWS has worked so hard to make a new home for so many people.

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