Unicorn Moments – EasyDiary

I meant to write this months ago in my diary on OD, but I had a hard time putting the words down. This was just a brief moment in my life, but it has left such an impact on me – just writing these short lines today I can’t stop smiling, but I also find my eyes filling with tears.

Last October my boy surprised me with a special present. An author that I have loved since childhood, Peter S. Beagle, was doing a tour and presentation of the remastered version of his film – The Last Unicorn. I am a girl, and since I was a little girl I have loved unicorns. I can go into so much more on that, but I think that is a story for another time.

The screening of the film included an Author Q&A before the film, and a chance to have him sign copies of his books and to purchase special items that were only being offered during this tour. It made me really regret loaning out my original copy to my brother’s wife – she lost my book…. So I just had to but a new one – which I was okay with as pretty much all of the proceeds were going to the author and his own publishing group.

I didn’t have anything to ask him but greatly enjoyed the Q&A. He is such a sweet gentleman with such a subtle, snarky sense of humor. I think one of my favorite questions came from a little kid, “Do you believe in unicorns?” – And I loved his answer “Well, I have never seen one. But I have met people who are unicorns. Who have that magic and that grace, that add beauty to this world. And I am sure there are still unicorns somewhere in this world.”

Another question that made me quite happy was “Which of your characters do you think is mostly based on yourself?” – Mr. Beagle got this mischievous smile on his face and said “The butterfly in The Last Unicorn.” He went on to explain how he has so many different bits and pieces of stories and songs and poetry always in his head, that he combines them all but they rarely make sense to those around him. He also brought up that he has always had a hard time focusing on just one thing. Watching the film I waited for the appearance of the moth – and I couldn’t stop smiling as I realized that not only did it sound like him as he spoke, but the artists modeled to moth off of him entirely, down to the shape of glasses and the hat he seems to love.

Now The Last Unicorn is a movie I have completely memorized, but I had not seen it for a long time. I have to admit there were parts where I was starting to tear up; as an adult there are parts of the story which resonate much more with me than they did when I was a child, there are parts and lines that make so much more sense.

Afterward is when I waited to have a book signed by him. It was late and I could tell he was tired, so I apologized for keeping him later as I was sure he had a long day. He smiled and asked what I did and I told him I was a high school English teacher. He got this big smile on his face and told me that both of his parents were teachers; that they taught in inner city schools in New York when he was a child. He told me his father was a history teacher, but that his father taught history through stories – that he made history and everything come alive, and that is what inspired him.

He finished signing my book, and took my hand smiling and thanked me for being a teacher. – Even writing this now I can still see the look on his face in my mind, full of so much honesty and kindness.

The whole exchange was maybe three to five minutes, but it is a moment in my life that I will forever cherish.

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