I’m It!

So apparently I have been tagged…

“Instructions: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about yourself. People who get tagged need to write their own blog about their seven things well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged & list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they’re tagged, and to read your blog! Have fun ladies and gents.”

~copied from RelativeTruth – Thanks, I needed a way to avoid work tonight and I will post this on myspace as well just for the hell of it, so I have a larger list of victims, I mean players, to choose from…..(cheep? perhaps, but hey, let’s spread the joy)

1. I pretty much never read the last book in a series. I have never read Return of the King from LOTR, or The Last Battle from The Chronicles of Narnia, even though I adore the books and have since childhood. I can’t bring myself to. I keep thinking if I read the last book, the story is over. It’s part if my childhood I still seem to need – I need to be able to escape to Narnia or the Shire and know that the story that I love so much hasn’t ended….

2. I am positively terrified of hyenas. Hyenas are the only mammal I have ever seen that has dead eyes; they remind me of either a shark or something that has been taxidermied, and for some reason that scares me out of my mind.

3. I like pajamas (especially my penguin ones), but HATE pajama bottoms. I hate wearing them to bed and cannot sleep well, if at all, if I am wearing them. I simply get too hot and then bitchy because I am uncomfortable. I much prefer my pj tops to sleep in.

4. I always have at least one piece of jewelry on at all times; usually a necklace or a bracelet now. I used to never take of a turquoise ring that I have, but I actually wore the finish off the metal and I can only wear it for a short amount of time before it starts to cut me. The most jewelry that I’ll wear is three necklaces (a choker, normal necklace, and a long pendant), two to three bracelets, and up to four rings – and every piece holds personal meaning to me. I am a good lil’ magpie and like shiny things and stories.

5. When I am comfortable around someone or actually feel safe/that I can trust them, I get really quiet. I’ll want to be around the person and ‘talk,’ but I end up mostly listening and asking questions, because I’ll simply be in a happy place and too content to actually speak and just want to know what is going on inside of their head. I don’t feel a need to babble incessantly unless something is wrong and I am avoiding the issue. I’m a quiet person (and how many of you are laughing now?)

6. I really cannot stand comedy movies. I simply do not like watching them – they make me feel like my intelligence actually went down afterwards. I’ll watch them with friends because they want to, I’ll even laugh at parts that are funny, but I find I get not enjoyment out of them whatsoever. I find them boring and usually poorly written and in no way do they engage me as an audience member.

7. I am beyond obsessive compulsive about writing. There is only one type of pen I will use or I won’t write anything at all, and I simply refuse to use pencils for anything beyond drawing. I have started using a calligraphy pen, but someone broke mine so I need a new one. I have at least ten diaries/notebooks that I constantly write in; a diary (plus 2 on-line), my Mirror book, an observation book, my poetry notebook, 3 different research notebooks, and my random thoughts notebook. Not including my endless document files on my computer – lots of story starts, LOTS of poetry, at least three plays and other random files. Very rarely do I copy anything from one notebook to another. Occasionally I will type up something I have written to share with others, but not all that often in all reality.

And thus the game continues – I tag (people who I think might do this):

Misty – OD
MorpheanAmulet – OD
The Doctor – OD
Q – myspace
Mother of Dragons – myspace
The Dragon – myspace
$Cash$ – myspace

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January 5, 2007

Thank you, I think I’d like to do this one 🙂

January 5, 2007

Sounds like fun… but you tagged everyone I know. Who am I gonna tag?

*lol* Those are quite random, yet interesting facts! I hate wearing pajama bottoms too, but I feel naked without my ‘symbolic’ jewelry. *hugs* *goes off to write her random facts*

January 7, 2007

Ryn: Pointy and or sharp friends are wonderful ones to have about.