Lean Pockets Suck

Guess what – Lean Pockets suck – that is all I have to say about that.

I am trying to get back into the habit of writing everyday, so I take my lunch break to write here or read or something to keep myself sane before I smack the little darlin’s. I am not getting enough sleep at all – in bed by around 11:30, pass out some time between midnight and 1am due to panic attacks and my mind not being quiet, ripped out of sleep at 5:30 am; not making for very good days. No sleep makes Ms. Y very random and less tolerant of stupid behaviors.

Today’s stupid behavior award goes to : The Seniors

Gave them an assignment on Monday that is due tomorrow, they just seemed to realize that today; even though on the assignemnt sheet I gave everyone the due date is in 16 point font, bold and underlined, and I only have been telling them every single day.

All I am asking is that they write a basic cover letter to request information about a college of there choice. I gave them a hand out (the one with the DUE DATE) that outlined the fromat VERY simply and told them exaclty what they had to write and where to write it, as well as how to format the letter – all they had to do was fill in the blanks for the school they were looking at. And today – “It’s due tomorrow? I didn’t know that. What are we supose to write? I don’t know what I am doing.” . . . O_o

Today, I gave them their next assignment, due Monday – Update your resume you wrote for English last year. “We did that????” Um yeah, they are on file with your Junior Projects.

I showed Spike the handout I was giving them to do their Resume, he basically refered to it as “Resume for Dummy’s.” I made is VERY simple, to the point that Spike accused me of talking down to them – but they can’t do it. Rather then listening to the explanation and insruction that would have taken 5 minutes at most, they walked out of class and went to do OTHER assignments for OTHER classes; and PERHAPS start the cover letter and resume. O_O

As I was checking on their work on the computers “How do we do this?” was the common quesiton. “I don’t know what to do.” Well no-fucking-shit was what I wanted to say . . . I told them “It’s on the handout” and walked off to answer the question of someone who stayed to listen to the instrctions and wanted to ask about format since his comptuer was being strange. I have no inclination to answer their questions since they walked out on me today – if they are that disresepctful, why the hell should I have to expalin the WHOLE of this assignment to each and every student when they actively chose to ignore me in the frist place?

I’m going to laugh with the whole of the basket ball team can’t play in the tournament on Friday because they will have failing grades in English – Go figure, it’s their own damn fault, and somehow I am sure it will be mine.

And the funny part – I have been giving the Juniors the exact same assignments for a College planning unit, and they are getting EVERYTHING done quickly, on time, and with very few questions other than a request for proffreading. No stupid questions or problems at all . . . . SO the Juniors can do this, but the Seniors can’t? . . . .

And what is the moral of this story children?
To listen?
To be resepctful?

Nope – it’s” You are Responsible for Your Own Actions. You live with the conseqeunce you bring upon yourself, and you have NO right to complain about it later if things don’t go your way when YOU caused it to happen in the first place.

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November 30, 2005

Good teacher! Deserves a raise! Probably will catch hell about the basketball team though. Stupid administration. Stick to your guns – they have to be adults at the end of this year, yes? Anyway, good to see that you’re writing more again…. you-time is important. *hugs*

December 1, 2005

raven i wish i had u as a freakin teacher. god i hate this school my english/literature class teacher said that i was a waste of time and that i could not read books in is class. cause i hate writing about what is happening at home they wil put me in child services and i won’t even get to see my babies

December 1, 2005

RYN: Nah, just when people lie. It irritates me. Just want the liars irradicated. If you want to read them, fine. You leave me a crap note, then add me to your favs? Wow. Do you go around defending liars or something?

December 1, 2005

RYN: okay. Whatever floats your boat. Why would you waste time on me if you dont like diaries like mine? BTW, I’m doing this for my entertainment, and wasting my time is a poor choice of words because I actually have no life, (I’ll be completely honest) and enjoy embarrassing liars.

December 1, 2005

RYN aplolgy accepted, alothoug I wasnt offended or anything. My diary is my diary, but also, I choose to accept notes because I love to hear what people have to say abput me, be it good or bad. This diary was origanally a fiction story I was writing but got bored with it. My other diary is called SheDoesNotExist, which is crap that happened to me in my past

December 1, 2005

and my daily diary is schmetterlinge, and my other one is called Picture Palace.

Most of the time when students act like they don’t know what is going on they are lying just to buy time. You’re right to stick to your guns. If they really were confused and wanted to understand the assignment they would try harder than that. Don’t give them slack, we don’t get any and we work our asses off. They’ll get the hell shocked out of them if they actually get to college.

December 4, 2005

Sadly few people look for the moral anymore, few actually learn from their mistakes.

January 20, 2006

lean pockets do suck, I agree. Especially the ones with “cheddar” cheese. The best Ive found so far is the pizza flavored ones.