
I love films. I find it fascinating to sit in a dark theatre with strangers and friends and watch something that touches each and every person in a different way, that captures the imagination and invokes countless emotions . . . movies truly are magic.

I just got home from watching the film Rent . . . It is one of the best films I have ever seen. I know I rant about Phantom of the Opera quite often; I love Phantom because of the poetic beauty, the emotions. I loved it when I saw it on stage, and every day since then listening to the music . . . I also love The Last Samurai. I can’t describe it, but watching the film, I felt “at home” . . . as if that makes sense to anyone but me. . . .

Rent was different. It is the first real film I have ever seen. Yes, it is originally a Broadway musical, but throw away the stereotypes now. I have seen realistic films, as well as films based on history, things that really happened. This was different. . .

It is the story of a group of friends, friends who are really a family; an aspiring film maker, his ex girlfriend (new-age artist) and her new girlfriend (lawyer), his roommate (a musician) and the girl he is secretly in love with (heroin junkie and exotic dancer), and their friend (a teacher) and his new boyfriend (professional drag queen). These characters, while not real – are amazing. So full of life, of seeing the world as it COULD be, in place of how it is; people who go out and actively try to make a difference – who live their lives to the fullest each day, and who love passionately. Brady Bunch, they are not, but this is real life, and what they live through together in New York, it is real; the fight to have a life, to have a real moment . . . They deal with real issues. You might be saying “well, most movies do that” – but they aren’t like this. . . What I didn’t know going into the film, one of the central themes is that four of the seven central characters are dying of Aids . . . And they know full well, and they still live each day to the fullest, are true to themselves, and they love so beautifully. That is real.

I went to see it alone. Not something I have done often; I’ve only ever gone to two other moves on my own before, The Last Samurai and Phantom of the Opera . . . for all three films, I have sat in the dark theatre and cried . . . I think I need to see films on my own more often . . . I cried because they touched me. By myself, I can cry and not have the boys fuss over me, I can be fully touched, heart and soul and I can weep at the pain and happiness, and the beauty and loss that I share in with the characters that I come to care for . .

I sat and cried tonight in the theatre because I watched something real happen, saw real emotions that I know go on around me, around the world every day that I never see. I cried because as a person I could relate to the characters, could think of people in my own life they remind me of, and I saw people that I would love to have in my own life. . . . during certain scenes, I could barely see the screen for the tears.

I don’t know what inspired me out the door. I knew nothing about this film at all. My brother went to his marital arts lesson, and I felt I should look up movie times. I got in my car, and went. . . Today is World Aids day. . . . .So many thoughts cascading into each other again, so I will leave you with some songs from the soundtrack . . . If you get a chance, go see the film before it’s out of theatres.

Seasons of Love

525,600 minutes, 525,000 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes – how do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee. In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In 525,600 minutes – how do you measure a year in the life?
How about love? How about love? How about love? Measure in love. Seasons of love.

525,600 minutes! 525,000 journeys to plan. 525,600 minutes – how can you measure the life of a woman or man?

In truths that she learned, or in times that he cried. In bridges he burned, or the way that she died.

It’s time now to sing out, tho the story never ends let’s celebrate remember a year in the life of friends.
Remember the love! Remember the love! Remember the love! Measure in love. Seasons of love! Seasons of love.

I’ll Cover You

Live in my house
I’ll be your shelter
Just pay me back
With one thousand kisses
Be my lover – I’ll cover you

Open your door
I’ll be your tenant
Don’t got much baggage
To lay at your feet
But sweet kisses I’ve got to spare
I’ll be there – I’ll cover you

I think they meant it
When they said you can’t buy love
Now I know you can rent it
A new lease you are, my love,
On life – be my life

Just slip me on
I’ll be your tenant
Wherever – whatever – I’ll be your coat

You’ll be my king
And I’ll be your castle

No you’ll be my queen
And I’ll be your moat

I think they meant it
When they said you can’t buy love
Now I know you can rent it
A new lease you are, my love,
On life – all my life

I’ve longed to discover
Something as true as this is

So with a thousand sweet kisses
If you’re cold
I’ll cover you
And you’re lonely
With a thousand sweet kisses
I’ll cover you You’ve got one nickel only
With a thousand sweet kisses
I’ll cover you
When you’re worn
out and tired With a thousand sweet kisses
I’ll cover you
When your heart has expired

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December 2, 2005

I’m not sure I could stand to see that movie at this point, though I probably should. I’ve been learning remarkable things lately about living each day to the fullest and being thankful for what comes our way. Tried to light a candle for 12/1, but my hands shook too hard.

December 4, 2005

ryn: thanks for the support and the hugs. we gotta get together over school holidays

December 4, 2005

Perhaps I’ll have go see Rent, of course this will be when my sis isn’t looking, she’d never leave me alone..

I really wanna see Rent, although I have no real previous knowledge of it. It just looks like a good movie. And, Omg, I loved, loved, loved Phantom of the Opera. I was just saying today that I should watch it again. my friend and I held hands in the theater and wept through practically the entire film. It was beautiful.