Broken Day

There is something wrong with my 7th period class. . . My reading class is split into two groups; let’s just call them Preps (+1 stoner – and yes, he is, but he’s such a nice guy) and then Outsiders (by choice because they HATE the other students in the class)

They really are good kids, I just couldn’t think of a way to describe them without using names.

Well, I was working with the Prep group and their minds just freaking SNAPED. They couldn’t stop laughing and the things the girls were doing to the one poor guy in the group – I sware, someone put Crack in their cookies at lunch. And it was mostly just laughing, some singing of random lines from a song – mostly jut laughing INSANELY

Another teacher walked in, and I just looked up at her and said “My kids are broken,” and they started laughing again, and laughed over me saying “I want new ones.” I couldn’t help it – I just sat there and STARED at them, and then when the groups changed – it got quite, with the occasional giggle.

As crazy as this class can make me sometimes, I love my kids 🙂 They have their quirks like everyone in the world, but I love them jsut the same. They make me laugh and smile.

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It’s great that they make you laugh instead of driving you crazy with their hyperness!

December 7, 2005

How very cool 🙂 I’m glad that school is going better for you.

December 10, 2005
