Lost a friend – not even sad

I lot a friend today because I posted on social media: There is no “agree to disagree” when it comes to basic human rights.

I shared it with a meme/graphic of a quote:

“Agree to disagree” is reserved for things like “I don’t like coffee.”

NOT racism, homophobia, sexism. Not basic common decency. Not human rights.

Not the right to be treated equally regardless of race, religion, color, creed or sexual orientation.

We do not have a difference of opinion. We have a difference in morality.

I like this quote. And it is pretty straightforward and simple. Yet my now former friend went off on me about late-term abortions and how fully developed babies are being murdered right before they are born. Jesus fucking Christ it was all bullshit propaganda.

I typed a response trying to educate her but realized that it was actually useless, and deleted it. Instead, I posted this: “I had typed a response but I just deleted it. – My initial statement remains true. I believe that all humans deserve basic human rights and there is nothing wrong with that statement.”

Her response is that there is nothing wrong with her response and she is said that a line is drawn because “all lives matter.” I’ve been seeing her post passive-aggressive bullshit since then – “You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to tell me what mine should be.” – Nowhere have I stated that at all.

And I found out she’s mad that a whole bunch of my former students have shared my post, with a lot more colorful language than my statement. These are all young people she considered “her kids,” and she described herself as their “adopted mom.” It’s a betrayal somehow that these “kids,” adults in their late 20s/early 30s, have grown beyond their small town to see the larger world and they still come back to see me. They thank me still for encouraging them to always learn and question everything and to check their sources. And their out there protesting, and I am so very proud of their activism.

And she’s mad and doesn’t know why. I know. They have grown beyond the walls that the small community that I teach in tried to keep them in, and she like so many of the old people who have stayed there have stagnated for decades. They wonder why the kids grow up and leave and never come back, they never call, they never write their families – but they do call and write me. They stay in touch with me. And I think that speaks multitudes.

I’m not sure how I feel. There is anger, but not at her. She is a product of her indoctrination and her active lack of educating herself.

So, how long do I wait before I delete and block her because we do not have a difference of opinion, we have a difference in morality.

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Some people are just weird like that…

July 4, 2022

I’ve also lost a couple of friends because of my (rare and mild) posts on Facebook.  I can’t imagine how many more I’d lose if I spoke more definitively.