
I think one of the most beautiful things in the world in music. It may seem only a sound, something pleasing to the ear – but any musician can tell you it is tangible. It is real and alive, it has a life of its own. It has invisible threads that weave through the air, that can pierce the mind, the heart, and the soul. This has always caused me to have such respect for musicians; to be able to create something that has such raw power is such an amazing gift.

Of course there is A LOT of difference between a musician and someone who plays music. I don’t know if I could even describe it, but I also know that there are many who understand without having to find words.

There is music for every emotion and thought and mood, and more often than not we are the only ones that hear it. Yes, there is music that everyone hears – but who can tell if they hear it the same, feel it the same way, have it touch the same part of their heart?

Many years ago I watch a film, The Red Violin. I only saw part of it and the story caught my attention. It was then I fell in love with the sound of the violin. But I only ever saw part of the film. Today I found it on Netflix – and for the first time I watched the whole thing.

There are no words. I sat and listened, closed my eyes and listened to the music more than watched the film, and often I opened my eyes, crying. I have no idea why other than it touched my heart.

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June 17, 2011

I love that movie. I think maybe the description you were trying to find was the difference between an artist and a technician? Anybody can learn basic scales, but only the artist can make scales matter…

June 17, 2011

Music’s very powerful, it can trigger memories and in my case, it can even trigger off the start of a migraine, not in a pounding headache thing. It’s hard to describe, as my migraines don’t take the form of pounding headaches, a certain section of a song can get stuck in my head, endlessly repeating, like a stuck record, when I’m just thinking about that song or it just comes up in a train of thought. I’ve not seen The Red Violin, but I’ll look it up now.

June 17, 2011

Well I’m just ****ing cute then! LOL! Why u hide from me

I’ll have to keep that one in mind. I adore violin music. ♥