Points to me :)

I am having SOOO much fun this holiday season. So far, Misty and Faye both love their prezzies and that makes me happier than anything. Oh, and I gave Drgaon one of his presents early, because he gave me mine today. I spent the next hour hearing how “tight” it was, and how awesome, and how much I know him and know what he likes. 😀 I wish I had a camera with me to get a picture of the look on his face!!!

And as a bonus, he is convinced that what I have wrapped in my living room for him is a poster, little does he know that it’s a katana, the same one he fell in love with last July (hehehehehe!!!) And I played the part SOOOOO well, and acted like when he guessed it was a poster that he got it. I can’t wait to see the look on his face! I would have given anything to see Faye and Misty open their presents.

I put a lot of time and thought into what I give to people. I pay attention all year, listen to what people want, and watch them and make sure I find something not only that I know they will like, but that ‘fits’ them. I just love getting stuff for other people!

I love Christmas shopping, and I hate the people in the malls . . I went shopping with Dragon today because he asked for help – He had no way to go shopping for his family and most of his friends without them tagging along, and he also asked for help wrapping prezzes. I believe he said something along the lines of being “wrapping illiterate.” It was funny to watch, but come on, I have seen worse. . . .

And I must add, the present Dragon got me for Christmas – A KATANA!!! I HAVE MY OWN REAL KATANA!!!!!!! AND it is AWESOME!!!! Hilirous to me, it is almost EXACTLY like the one I got him . . . .the ONLY difference is the one I got him is in blue and gold, and he picked out one for me in black and silver. It is positively beautiful!!! And now I have more of an excuse to practice my swordsmanship – and was pretty much threatened upon entering the mall that I had to start practicing and as soon as I had what he already taught me down, we could move on. I don’t know, he might want me to start practicing with a katana more often – Hmmmm I wonder what ever gave me that idea. . . . .

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December 18, 2004

Heh, sweet; I love swords.