Qustion 11 – NoJoMo 19

50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind: Marc and Angel Hack Life.

Moral Dilemma

You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?

Having gone through this recently, I know what I would do. I stopped them and actually said “I know you are entitled to your opinion – but **** is my friend and has always treated me with respect.”

That shut them up rather quickly and get them backtracking to the point of drowning.

I can acknowledge that not every gets along, nor is everyone friends. But in this situation it was just being gossipy and mean for the sake of doing so.

This happens where I work – all the fracking time. I am so tired of the back-stabbing and people talking about each other behind their backs. The sad part is it all gets back to me; I hear it all – people actually try to get me involved and that usually get the answer like I wrote above. I also often end up saying “This is not what happened / what **** did” or something along those lines.

The adult drama is worse than the teenagers.

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