Trust is bullshit

I don’t trust people. It’s that simple. I have been lied to too many times, manipulated too much. I do not trust easily. But it seems when I do, it fucking bites me. I was down to three people I trusted with everything, with all my secrets, with the truth, with my life. That is down to two. The one person I thought would never betray me has.

I would rather be shot through the heart than feel like this.

This is over something seemingly stupid. Using my computer and looking up the History of whatever pages I have been looking at. Small invasion of privacy right? Not so small to me. How the hell is that any different than spying? Than braking into a diary?

How did I find out? My brother told me he made mention of something I had been looking up. . . . . Yeah, it’s small. It’s not as bad as what Adam did to me – But I trusted him not go behind my back on things, to never spy on me.

I can’t tell if I am crying because I am hurt or angry.

Am I suppose to ignore this? Yeah right – it only opens the door to questions:
How else have you spied on me?
What else of mine that I keep private have you gone through?
How many times have you gone behind my back?

So what? Am I suppose to forgive and forget? Ignore this? It would not be this bad, I would not be this hurt if people in my life had been honest. If I had not been betrayed by EVERYONE ELSE in my life, I would feel differently. But my life is as it is, my past hasn’t changed overnight. I don’t trust people because everyone I have ever trusted, save three, had betrayed me . . .

I can’t say that anymore.

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December 14, 2005

Ryn: Sand does not brush off easily… Don’t be sorry, you’re busy and don’t need my problems. Thankyou.

December 15, 2005

It’s the most terrible feeling in the world. *hugs* Don’t know what to say or how to help, but I’m here if you need to talk…

I hate being spied on! Why do ppl have to sneak around trying to find out everyone’s secrets? Don’t they have better things to do? If they are close to you and want to know what is going on with you, why don’t they just ask? That sucks. I hope you feel better soon.

*MistyMonster’s alter ego* Girl has started a new diary, and thought she’d let you know…