
so, the post-thanksgiving sickness turned out to not be sinus infection, but just some rhinitis or something equally as annoying. In any case, it causes issues with breathing, and produced a nasty hacking cough, so i haven’t been able to get my butt moving again.

However, it seems that my body is returning to its happy/normalized weight of 175. Holding steady at that for a few days, so this is good. Maybe because I’m doing better with portion control/not eating out as much. The planning ahead what’s for dinner seems to be working pretty well. Less stuff tossed because I’ve only used a portion of it and the rest has gone bad (so far)

hate being sick.

anyway … menu planning for rest of the week:
Sun: Spaghetti Carbonara
Mon: Beef Stew
Tues: Beef Stew
Wed: Beef Stew (there was a ton of beef stew when I made it in the crock pot)
Thurs: Chicken Stir Fry?
Fri: party food?
Sat: party food?
Sun: possibly dinner out

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