Dark 80’s

From my birthday 1n 1982 I entered a world I was never prepared for. With hindsight I can see my family never prepared or taught me about the real world. I was a self centered person who thought that whatever I wanted I could have if I had the money. The problem was i was never taught how to live on a budget or any of the numerous otherwise basics you need to know to be an adult. Thus not only did I have a drug problem, I also had no concept of responsibility so all my money went to having a good time.

In no time whatsoever I was living in my compact car at the end of a rural road just outside my hometown.
I was still working a good job and making decent money but as I said, it all went to kill the pain.
Long story short, I had guns fired at me, watched friends OD, and lost every friend I had.  I finally entered treatment on 8/14/1990.




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March 15, 2021

I would love to hear the long version. What an experience.  What made you accept treatment?