Matt’s birthday

Today is Matt’s birthday. I guess it still is your birthday, even after you’ve died.

It’s been awhile since I have cried about him. Even in therapy. I’ve been more angry. Maybe even moved passed that a bit and just accepted where we are at. I have had a lot of emotions and most I have understood. I do think of him in some capacity, every day. And that sucks. I want to forget. I want to live my life and get through my day without him on my mind.

I knew all week, all month, that today was his birthday. We were together for 13+ years. And his birthday is 2 days after mine. I wasn’t going to forget. This week has been strange. Eric’s birthday is 2 days before mine. I moved into another relationship, sharing a birthday week – just two days in the other direction.

So while Eric and I made wonderful memories and had fun celebrations this week, today loomed over me.

I process payroll for our company and all week as I was dating payroll for 3.24.23, I thought of Matt each time. Today as I write the date on work documents, it’s on my mind. I woke up thinking about it. And then FB is like “oh hey, it’s Matt’s birthday today.” And he has an old livejournal account (we both did) – to which I received an email “wish Matt a happy birthday today!” I hadn’t taken it off my google calendar and google emailed me to remind me (in case I could have possibly forgot!)

My dear friend Kristi sent me a text. It was gif that said “sending hugs across the miles because I’m thinking of you, with Love!” And had two teddy bears hugging. No words were needed, I knew why she sent it. We proceeded to talk. She was gut punched seeing Matt’s birthday on the calendar. When she asked me how I was doing, I realized, I don’t know. I have emotions I can’t place. I want to hibernate today, but work is too much to really do that. Right now, I have tears streaming down my face. I have 13 mins until I have to be on camera for a work meeting. And frankly, I am not really okay today.

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March 24, 2023

Today is my late dad’s birthday and it’s the weirdest day for me. I have a difficult time processing it and I want to hibernate in my bed all day too.

March 24, 2023

I am sorry you’re going through grief today too. I hope tomorrow is better for you

March 24, 2023

Losing people, even if they were not apart of your life anymore, to suicide is a awful and surreal experience.

Their birthdays are hard. Harder sometimes than the day they passed. Because we are reminded that an x amount of years before they were born into this world – full of fresh life and happiness and youth. And then one day they decided they didn’t want to be here anymore. They chose not to celebrate another day that is marked theirs.

Sending hugs.

May 12, 2023

@queengloom ♥