K-State/USD game (pics)

I left work at 11 AM on Friday. I went in early, 5 AM. We finally left Yankton around noon to go to Kansas. Got to the hotel in Junction City just after 5 pm. We went out to eat and went to Walmart. Then hung out at the hotel. I was drained from the long day.

Saturday we went into Manhattan around 9:30-10 AM. We went to a bunch of places around town, places that Yankton doesn’t have. Places that were little local places. We went to park close to the stadium a little after 3 pm. I figured we’d have to walk and pay for parking. We payed a Boy Scouts group to use a parking lot, $10. We walked maybe 3/4 of a mile to the stadium. We hung out inside the building where KState plays basketball. A lot of others in there as well. It was so hot out and that was a place to cool down for awhile. About 5 we went into the stadium. Just walked around and tried to stay in the shade as long as possible.

The game…well, both teams didn’t play that great. KState won by 3. But it was interesting at the end.


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September 3, 2018
