
Since my mom didn’t make it here last weekend, she came this weekend. I wasn’t sure how to entertain her. She got here around 730 pm on Friday. We went out to eat. Talked some at home. Then went to bed. Saturday morning my mom unloaded the wood from her van to our wood area. We didn’t really need the wood, but my mom insisted that we have it. She got the wood from my grandparents place. Grandparents farm has some old structures and trees that needed to be torn down. My grandparents live maybe 4.5 hours away. Since they still live on a farm in the middle of no where, they have a huge hole in their ground, used for burning (they’ve burned their own garbage and other things since the 60’s). So I really didn’t need the wood, they can burn it on their own.

So I decided to burn some stuff Saturday morning. Saturday morning was a cool morning. We were out there for over an hour burning wood. Then we went to my sisters house for several hours. Came home for a few hours, took a nap, then went back to my sister’s place. I think my sister was semi annoyed cause her and her husband were trying to do landscaping around their house. They didn’t have time to entertain my mom either.

While I was at my sisters, I was asked if I plan on going to my grandparents over labor day weekend. I said no, because that’s when we’re going to Kansas for a football game. I was asked if I was staying at my dad’s house. I said no. Then asked if my dad and step mom were going to the game. I said I didn’t know. Then I was asked if I told my dad I was gonna be down there. I said no.

That didn’t agree with anyone. My sister kept telling me I should say something to my dad since he bought me a gift (last christmas….and that was only a blown up pic of my 2 year old self. dad only did that cause he was giving my sisters kids presents and didn’t want to leave me out. I personally wouldn’t have cared). Other than the Christmas time, I haven’t said anything to my dad. I haven’t seen him since last summer.

I personally don’t want to see my dad/step mom. Aaron doesn’t want to either. We want to go down there, do our own thing. If we saw them, we’d have to do what they wanted….cause that’s what happened last time. It happened cause I can’t say ‘no’ to family without getting harassed. So I’m guilt-ed into doing everything the family wants to do. I’m not happy.

My mom also told me I should tell my dad I’ll be there. In case word gets out. Sister said someone is on Facebook sometimes, so word is probably already out…meaning I’ll be there. I didn’t hear who she said is on Facebook (I posted on Facebook before this weekend about going to the game). Only people on my dad’s side I have on Facebook are my 2 aunts and 1 distant cousin. My step mom does have Facebook but I blocked her years ago (I didn’t tell anyone til now). Not sure if the aunts would really say anything. If they do, I don’t care. Not the first time my dad and that side of the family has yelled at me (I’ve been put down by them for years, first time I remember was when I was 10 years old).

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August 26, 2018

I remember those days of being pulled by both my mom and dad to visit them (usually at the same time). We would sneak into town, stay with one, then call the other and tell them we were going to be there the following day. Was pretty good at keeping everyone in the dark, but now with FB and other social media it is harder to do.

August 28, 2018

You have the right to dictate the relationship you have with your father. NO ONE else can tell you what you should / shouldn’t do where he is concerned. Of course your sister is going to be on his side, considering the preferential treatment she rec’d, but you have to what feels right, what keeps you sane. I know how hard it is to buck your family, but you’re adult and it’s YOUR life you’re living.  My best to you.  💙