
We went up to Watertown this weekend. I was gonna see my sister. Didn’t happen. She didn’t tell me she was staying in a town about 40 minutes away. We had the dogs with us. My mom didn’t want the dogs to stay in her house for hours on end. We had a hotel room. The hotel allows dogs but the tend to bark with slamming doors. And Sammy (my dog) has seperation anxiety issues so he’ll end up howling.

Sister wasn’t gonna go into Watertown. So it was just easier for us to stay put with the dogs (I was stressing about it for awhile).

So we didn’t do much. Just hung out in the pool area. Did a little shopping. Ate at places we don’t have in Yankton.

Aaron also saw someone he knows in Watertown. They went out for dinner and a movie. So I had alone time. I still do. We drove seperatly (Aaron’s idea. whatever). So I left early in the morning to come home. I did a little cleaning in the house. The house wasn’t bad since I did a little cleaning before I left. But cleaned out some old food on the fridge. And washed some of the smoker stuff. Cleaned out stuff from my car. All I have to do is unpack my bag of clothes.

I should try to write in here more. Just have more thoughts. I use to write constantly before the site went down. A few months after the site went down I met Aaron, I wanted to write a lot. But as time went on, I got use to not writing (this is/was my only home. None of the other sites felt right).

We kinda opened up a little over the weekend at the pool. I wanted to almost cry. We have some communication issues. I’ve known about it for awhile. I think he’s realizing some things too. We need to focus more on us. We’ve gotten so use to the work routine. Barely do anything during the week. Weekends seem kinda blah sometimes with random excitement. Seems like we don’t know what to do on weekends anymore cause we’ve done it all.

We still need to try to go to a baseball game this summer.

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June 10, 2018

Yeah, that work week sure eats calendar doesn’t it?  Get home a 7PM have dinner and go to bed – rinse and repeat, is what it feels like!

June 10, 2018

@petersshadow I agree with the work thing. Mon-Fri I am awake around 5:30 AM at the latest. I get home around 3:45 pm. I take a half hour or so to unwind/relax. Then I start thinking about housework, dinner, taking care of the dogs (playing, exercise/dog park).

June 11, 2018

@serenadeoliver lol Except the housework, I think I’ve got you beat. Up at 5:30, home at 6:30 or 7:30, dinner, replete. But again, I’m not doing housework. Can we call it a tie?