Do doo doo doo BOP! Do do doo doo bop DANCE!

Sponsor me for the blogathon! Raising money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation!

Time: 4:30pm

Hours left: 4.5!

You’re currently listening to? On The Line by Michael Jackson. Lovely song, although a bit sad.

Does it mean anything to you? It reminds me of the first time I talked to a fellow MJ fan on the phone, she played it down the line for me because I had never heard it before.

How are you feeling right now? A little sick in the stomach. Belly-achy. Exhausted. Constantly needing to pee. So…. it seems I have many symptoms of pregnancy LOL I am also scared shitless, there is an angry spider in the bathroom so I can’t go in there.

What are you looking forward to? SLEEP!!!!

If you drank fifteen beers, what would you be doing? Absolutely nothing. I don’t drink, so I doubt I could get 15 beers in me.

What hoodie did you wear last? I have no clue, it’s summer! No time for hoodie wearing!

What does your hair look like right now? A little messy, a lot sexy. 

What do you think of piercings on guys? I don’t know.

What will you be doing within the next two hours? Blogathon!!

Do you still talk to the last person you realy liked? Yeah. Although not right now, he’s sleeping.

What do you usually do right when you wake up? Go pee. I usually wake up to pains in my kidneys from not peeing while being asleep.

Have you ever kissed an ex after you broke up? No

Where is your cell phone? On the right arm of the couch, has been there since about 10am

Are you smiling in your MySpace default picture? Fucked if I even know what it is. Wow, did it take me this long to swear??

Is there someone you would like to fix things with right now? I don’t know…

Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months? We’re approaching 3 years of marriage. So… yeah. 🙂

Does sex mean love? No.

When is the next time you will kiss someone? When he wakes up. I’m going to guess about 7:30.

When was the last time you went to the movies? Uhh… we saw Transformers 2. So… when that came out.

Are you currently speaking to anyone? No, it’s 4am. Or 6pm where my family/friends live. So everyone is either sleeping or eating dinner

Are there any stressful situations in your life? YES

Did you do something bad today? Not really. *goes to get the fan* It’s hot in here!!

What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider? Hot chocolate

Ever stayed up all night on the phone? No

When was the last time you talked on aim? Never have, really

Are you currently reading a book? No

Can you make brownies without looking at the instructions? I can, but I prefer to check just in case. Baking is a science.

Last person who texted you? Ellen!

Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward? Depends. PRobably

Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow? Nothing. Sleepytime does not equal clothes.

Is your life simple or complicated? A bit of both.

Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with an S? Me?

Do you like anyone on your top friends? Yes

Someone knocks on your window at 2 AM, what do you say? FUCK!!

Does the person you last kissed still like you? I certainly hope so!!

Have you ever kissed someone who’s name started with A? No

Does your favorite mall have more than one floor? Yeah

What is your ex doing right now?

Are you wearing eyeliner? No

Have any plans for Spring Break? Pfft

What does your last text message says? I am not going to check.

Where do you live? Connecticut.

The last time you were in the Big Apple, what did you do? Went to Dylan’s Candy Bar, walked through Central Park taking pictures of squirrels for at least an hour, went to the MoMA (or whatever it is called), went to Times Square (or just through it??) went on the STaten Island Ferry. Returned, caught buses to the train station and went home.

What kind of pets do you have? A betta fish named Trogdor. He’s red. He burninates.

What do you hear right now? Smooth Criminal

Is anything bothering you? Yes. Scary spider!

Do you have any plans for tomorrow? SLEEP

I’ll bet your craving something, right? No. Other than sleep.

How many pink objects can you see from where you are? NONE!

Who is someone you know would take a bullet for you? Jake?

Do you have a sister? Not a blood sister

Where is somewhere you would love to visit? I’m not interested in places.

Do you know the difference between "you’re" and "your"? Yes

Do you know where you want to go to college? Pfft

Do you have a best friend? Yes, 3 actually. I’m really lucky.

Who is the last person you IMed? Ellen!

What is the best compliment you have ever gotten from a stranger? I can’t remember.

Are you a blonde, brunette, ginger, etc…? Blonde

Are you able to get a tan? No

What’s your favorite TV show? Right now, Psych.

What is one TV show you wish was still running? Roswell, or New Amsterdam. Although they both really have nowhere to go… so it’s probably for the best.

Are you a California Surfer girl? No

The next time you are on an airplane, where will you be traveling to? Australia probably

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‘Burninate’ always makes me think of that time we had KFC in the park lol