ODAHQ – Blogathon Alternative. Sponsor me?

I have participated in the Blogathon for a handful of years now. A blogathon is where you write an entry every half hour for 24 hours, so 49 entries in total. Both times (2007 and 2009) I had a LOT of fun just rambling and being silly, like I always am, but even more so when I’m sleep deprived.

This year, there is no official blogathon, so some lovely people here on OD have organised an alternate for people like me to participate in. ODAHQ. It’s the same thing, just less official looking because it was a rush to get it all together. This year’s -Athon starts at 9am EST on July 31st and goes until 9am EST August 1st.

This year I am raising money for the Make-A-Wish foundation again. I don’t really have a reason for picking this charity, except that they are really easy to donate to. Credit card or paypal (which is good for me as I have no credit card and get sad when that is the only option for donations), and you can donate to your local ‘chapter’ too, which I also really like.

If you would like to sponsor me, just leave your name (diary name, nickname, anything really) and how much you would like to pledge (even $5 would be great!). You can either donate right now or you can wait and see if I write all 49 entries in the half hour increments that is the spirit of this event. If you choose to wait until after the 31st to donate, please leave an email address (or diary name) so I have some way of contacting you to remind you of your pledge.

This year I actually have a slight ‘theme’, I have so many recipes for delicious baked goods that I want to try out, so I’m just going to bake all day (as much as I feel like though, no one wants me to be playing with an oven at 3am when my heart isn’t into it anymore… I’ll end up with another oven scar!) and hopefully by the end I will have a massive pile of treats. So if you are local, you are ENCOURAGED to come take some off my hands. I would like to send off some little prize-type sample boxes but most of the things on my ‘potential to bake during ODAHQ’ list are soft things that would not travel well. This may change.

If you have any questions, or want to sponsor me, please leave a note on this entry. I have it set so you don’t need to have an OD to note me, but if you do, please be logged in, it is just easier for me.

Here’s to Better Living Through Sleep Deprivation!! (such an awesome slogan)

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What an awesome theme!! I don’t know what my theme is yet or if I’ll even have one. I can’t wait for the day though, it’ll be fun even if it’s not the official Blogathon.

July 16, 2010

And we’ll even be posting some challenges over at ODAHQ for you guys to participate in to keep things interesting!

July 16, 2010

Iwill donate $10.00. I will give it to you next week.

RYN: Go ahead!

July 16, 2010

Put me in for $25, on the condition that you share all the recipes that you make (which I’m sure you will anyway). I need to write an entry about my pie making adventure. And my gingerbread making adventure. I made a gingerbread army last weekend! 😀 Today I am making some kind of lamb curry/stew, but I’m slightly struggling to find a recipe. I’m indecisive…

July 17, 2010

I want some of that lamb curry/stew, Elmo! and I think it’s awesome that you guys are keeping up with your own blogathon like this. it’s amusing when you do it, and I always love the entries that you write for them. it’s the weekend and that rocks it! *FOREVER-LOVE*

July 17, 2010

I’m sure your dad and I will sponsor you for something. And I will try to imagine that I am eating some of your delicious baked goods. Love you!

That’s such a great theme! I don’t have a theme yet. I’ve been trying to think of something, but the more I think about it the more I feel like I’d feel more under pressure with a theme unless I have it totally planned beforehand. Make sure you post lots of pictures of baked goods…drooling over them might help to keep me awake!

July 17, 2010

Still pondering doing this but if you make many goodys send me some please thanks 😀 lol.

July 18, 2010

5 dollars!!!

July 19, 2010

Common sense should have told me but woo posting recipes will be great.

July 20, 2010

I would like to sponser you! Just tell me how and I’ll be on it! ~jo

July 31, 2010

I want to sponsor myself $5! YAy Me!

Ryn: Thank you SO much for the sponsor!! I shall return the favor and sponsor you for $5 also.