“Oh short, shivering carp-pants!”

That Alternathon was so much fun. Had an Amrai to talk to for the entire 24 hours because she was also participating. Raised $140 (and maybe more) which is just massively awesome.

At 9am, Jake was still asleep so I moved the lounge room furniture back to it’s original position as quietly as I could. I was obviously pretty good at that, because Jake didn’t wake for another 20 minutes.

Once he was up, I made some savoury cookies. The dough really smelled like it needed ham or something similar to go with it, so Jake cooked us up some bacon. The cookies were crap though, they took twice as long to cook as the recipe called for. So when I originally pulled them out of the oven, they looked okay. We tried them, and just… bleh. Heated up a few we wanted to eat in a pan and threw the rest of the batch back into the oven. They still weren’t very good cookies. The flavour just wasn’t something we liked. Hopefully we can offload them on someone tomorrow.

I posted on facebook that anyone local can and SHOULD come over and take some tasty baked goods away from us. No one came. 2 people replied to the status, but neither are local. So I’m really hoping that some of the people that work downstairs will be interested because otherwise… everything i made during the -athon will go to waste, pretty much. I don’t like any of the things. The cupcakes are… ok, nothing special. They are nice to look at I guess. The meringues have burnt butts, very sad. The slice is just ick. The savoury cookies are gross-to-me.

I didn’t have a nap or anything today. Jake got up, and the brainmatey surge of energy came from him and I’ve been alert and awake ever since. He’s been sorta sleepy, but… yeah. That’s just how we work. Pretty cool. I know I will go to sleep VERY easily by the time it is bedtime, because I will have been up for… 40 hours by then.

We have tikka masala for dinner. Very tasty.

I don’t think I look tired, except for the bag under my left eye. But that’s always there.

Title is what I was going to use as a title when Jake got up. But he slept in!

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August 1, 2010

What’s a savory cookie anyway?

August 2, 2010

Little bird is back.

August 2, 2010

Yay bird! If I was local, I totally would come and eat some stuff. At the very least I would have to try a red velvet cupcake to see if it’s same or different to my red velvet cupcakes and therefore whether or not you should try my recipe at some point…

August 2, 2010

I have to go back and read your entries because I had a very busy weekend and didn’t get to see you through the blogathon. :o) ~jo