Our brain is a blubber nugget. It’s chewy!

Good evening! And how are all you fine peoples out there in OD land today? Good? Good! I’m happy to hear that!

Today Jake had a course thing (read his entree if you wish) so Lisa and I hung out, bummed around. It was cool. I like Jake’s mummy, she is pretty awesomeful. Was a great time.

At one point she said that she didn’t have high hopes about Jake and I before I came here, but as soon as she saw us hug at the airport she knew it was gonna be wonderfully marvellous. That made me aww. =)

We had lunch at Chili’s, it was tasty. I got fajita quesadillas (Jake keeps picking on me coz I say the Ls in quesadilla, I do it coz its amoosing but eh) and they were goodness and all cheesy and quite filling and I enjoyed it! I like when there is nummy food for me to eat and enjoy.

Then we went to Barnes and Noble and I loved it! I’d never been to one before. Yeah, BOOKS! WOO! =D I spent ages looking at all the true crime books, so many seemed goodness. mmm goodness.

Then I needed a potty break, and whilst there took a picture of the sign that said "baby change area" coz under the words there was a picture of a pink elephant grooving happily. Made me giggle!

In the Psychology section I found 2 books I have been looking for for MANY years! Since… 2000 I believe. Ones that Mrs Zagorski (my high school psychology teacher – awesome lady) recommended way back and that I haven’t been able to find till today! So ya, they both on peoples with multiple personalities and I am happy, so happy, that I have finally got them to read and so yay.

We then picked up an INCREDIBLY HAPPY Jake, he’s so cute when he’s all giddy and constantly saying "I’m so giddy! I’m so jazzed! Sarah, I’m so jazzed" etc. So cute dammit! All that giddy seeped over to my side and so by the time we had been dropped off home there was mass random weirdness and giggling, as per usual.

Umm… that’s all for me to write for now. So I’m gonna go read my new books. I love books. Yay for words! w00t!

"Blubber nuggets. They’re chewy!"

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Wait, you’re NOT supposed to pronounce the L? Stoopid backwards Americans. lol ryn: You’re about the only person who got the cat lady reference. My readers are kinda… Slow. lol I’m in Melbourne =O But I’m leaving tomorrow, so no seeing Sez when she gets back, for a few weeks anyway.

October 19, 2005

lols @ above note. It’s not American – it’s Spanish! (I study Spanish) Saying the “yuh” sound instead of ls is fun 😀 Glad you had such an awesome day 😀

October 19, 2005

i always thought you pronounced the l’s. shows how much us aussies know huh? i need a potty break now, but as there is NOONE in the office (well maybe 2 or 3 people out of 50) there is noone to answer the phones. which KEEP ringing.

October 19, 2005

Eeeek I would have picked too. I yell at Antony for mispronouncing jalepenos… with a J. I wonder why he chucked me again…. kidding. Lianne Marie xXx

October 20, 2005

heya!!!!! 🙂 That’s so GREAT that you found the books you were looking for! Those book stores can be WILD! so HUGE now!!! Yay for ‘blubber nuggets’ lol!!! EVEN MORE YAY for giddiness!!! You two being all cute together! AWWWWWW!!! Enjoy the books and keep smiling hun! 🙂

October 21, 2005

they ARE chewy!!!