et lux perpetua luceat ets

It alway simultaneously enrages and entertains me when these children actually believe that their lives are hard.  Currently, I am content that I am not starving and have a place to live.  Oddly enough, most people have difficulty finding the same contentment.  But who am I to judge?  It must be terribly difficult, being 15, middle class, and with no responsibilities except homework and school.  They aren’t depressed, they’re bored.  Get the fuck over it.

Of course, there’s always those that will say "but they CAN’T just get over it!"  Get over what?  Their middle class lives?  The trauma that ensued when their parent’s wouldn’t buy them the newest Avril Lavigne c.d.?  There is nothing to get over except their own elitist white disdain for everything normal.  It’s positively disgusting how spoiled kids are today.  That they have the TIME to be depressed and cut themselves and throw up all of their meals speaks volume for their lives and for society today.  Give them work.  Manual work.  Hard work.  Work like their parents did.  Or, more likely, like their grandparents did.  Then see how "depressed" and "lonely" they are.  The entire "emo" movement is simply the result of acute laziness and boredom.  Get the fuck over it.

I think that will be my new motto.

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