this is the song for our departure.

The heat makes me tired and yet it refuses to rain.  Fire danger is VERY HIGH today kiddies, so don’t play with matches.

Boredom should be a deadly sin.  Some might argue that it already is, with "Sloth" on the list…sloth is different than boredom.  It is possible to be slothful and not bored, and to be bored while industrious.  My job is boring, never requiring more than the slightest mental exertion. 


Tomorrow never comes, because it’s always today.  There is no such thing as the future.  The concept of "later" was a mistake–humans were never meant to think about the future.  All futures end the same.  Best not to dwell on it…many don’t.  Living for tomorrow is pointless.  Hope for a better future is completely dependent on the resilience of the character TODAY, which has been shaped by the past.  It is possible to have no hope.  No foresight.  What good is foresight?  What does it bring except disappointment and cynicism?  Optimism is for the very young and the very stupid.  The two are often interchangeable.

Forgive me for making no sense.  Blame the heat if you will.



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