Potty Training Going Well


ShaiAnn is really getting the hang of using the toilet when she has to go to the bathroom.  She had started out going poop well…Now she pees well…lol.

I know I am totally doing it the wrong way.  I am not taking her right out of Pull Ups and keeping her in Panties.  I don’t want pee all over the place as she learns.  I only have 7 pairs of panties that fit her now so I will soon get some more and do this thing right.

For now as soon as she says "Go Toilet" we run quickly to the toilet, whip her pants down and she climbs up onto the toilet with her Dora toilet seat.  She sits and listens for her pee because thats what her Nanny taught her to do.

Its so adorable hearing that little tinkle in the toilet!

I can’t wait until she can pull her own undies down to go pee, not that I want to rush this at all~  She is growing up fast enough as it is!

She hasent been eating as much lately.  Im not sure if its what I am offering her or if its just her appietite.  Oh well, I do offer!  Im not worried about it, its not like the child is overly skinny.

I did give her a touch of a haircut the other day.   She was in the bathtub and I was looking at how long her hair was…and how uneven it was…so I gave it a little trim to even everything up.  Nothing big…an inch or so.  She has so many beautiful curls in the back of her hair!  I love them!

lol Her new favorite word is "Hey!".  It is what I say to her when she is up on something shes not sapposed to be on…or touching something shes not sapposed to touch…or just when I want her attention…so now she says it all the time.

Its so adorable!  I take a toy from her to put it away or something silly like that and she looks at me and goes "Hey!"…hahaha!  I love it!!!  She has also started the "No" thing!!  Great…perfect!!  This should be fun! haha

Shes doing great coloring and attempting to draw shapes.  She gets close with a heart but then as soon as shes about to close the other side she decides to go "around and around".    I taught her to draw "around and around" and "Up Down Up Down" but she says it like "DownIt or Donut". lol

Still to bed at 8pm.  Still one nap a day which is sometimes an hour…sometimes about three hours.  Depends on the day shes having.  I still lay down with her every nap she has.  Sometimes I dont stay and she wakes up and as soon as she wakes up she says "Where Mommy Go?"

Her talking is off the charts!  She amazes me with everything she says!  Ther other day Dave and I were having a conversation…she was between us at her table coloring away in her own little world…Dave said "Holy Crap" and without hesitation she said the exact same thing…"Holy Crap".  lol I swear I almost burst open trying to hold my laugh in.  My guts felt like they were gonna blow holdin that one in!  It was so damn cute~

Shes sitting naked in her red wagon at the moment saying "Mommy Help You"…I said back to her "Mommy Help Me?" and she looks at me and says "Sure".  I love it!!!

How do kids not get their faces sucked off with kisses???!!! 

Anyways!  I have some news about myself so Im off to update my own diary!

Christmas is almost hear!!!  I got ShaiAnn a Dora Toothbrush so far…lol Slow starting but its a start! haha…

Okay onto my diary!








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