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I have a poetry diary…But not too many people are reading it like they read this.

SO I wanna post this poem here.

I worked on it last night.


I feel you in my bones.

I feel you in my skin.

The world around me is so empty.

Your eyes are so full

You lift me up with you words of love.You life me up with your presence..

Come closer. closer closer.

And then you are so close.So close I am sure you are in me.

Next to my heart. Fixing the wounded parts.

I see you in my dreams. Lost within youself. I hold you hand.

Oh my love..I will put your secrets on my shelf.

I will cut away the pain.

I will do it all

Then I will do it again.

I feel free in your captive gaze those eyes

Those eyes.

I feel free in your conversational tone.

I feel  so free. so  I atone..

I atone. share this world so empty and you fill it up

You fill it up.
For the longest time..

I thought.

What if you could..

and Now I know.



yeah It is strange.: )

But it is written for a particular someone and he will know its purpose.

and If anyone is interested in my other diary it is Lost_amaranthe.

Tiamo mi amigos y mi amore,


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April 26, 2006


aww, kitties are so rad! the other night i had a dream that i got my old cat back (we had to give her away because the place i live doesn’t allow cats) and i woke up dissappointed because it was all a dream 🙁

April 26, 2006

>>>>>Lost within youself. I hold you hand.<<<<<<<< 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Thats the nicest thing I have heard in a while. lov ya Tony