If you dont get this entry..Read..

okay so if you dont get this entry go read my one on sanctification.

Disclaimer: I am writing of past things..That my soul has been cut from due to walking the line..so none of this is what I am doing now..Unless it involves walking the line or loving mi amore.


I tied my hands up on the cross. I put my hands up. Nail by nail I filled in my coffin with dirt and sand and dedication. I gave my soul onto Him. I dedicated my way. I now walk the line. The crown of thorns was placed on me, Broken and bruised I dedicated my soul. I now know my place. The taunting and beating only observes my convictions. Before I pleaded now I stare them down unafraid for what they do. Only my Lord has the final judgment I am not afraid.

I opened my soul to the dark it filled it in.With one desperate grasp I clung To jesus.

Wanting away out. Free from the dark. I was scared. The monsters would eat me alive..He took the blindfold off. I saw the sin around me.All I did was brought before me.I now knew. But the Personal demon holding my hand did not want me to know. He covered my eyes to decieve me. But my savior set me free. I now know the hole I had to climb out of I can stand at the edge and look down and realize. That hell is no longer mine. I am free from it. If the demons drag me to the edge. I will hold onto the hem of his garment and he will lift me up. Never more will I climb into that pit and be that person.

I have seen the light and it is heavenly. I did not know what the dedication would mean when I first climbed on to this path. I knew it would lead to sacrifce, sacrifce,dedication and love. I am sanctified. Dedicating to put to death my human ways every night.

 I will walk in his light. I do not ignore my dark. For it is mine. I know what it is. I know where it leads me. I know to watch for it.

I hope you can understand this way. I hope you can learn to love me like I love you.

Tiamo, Siarai

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April 26, 2006

Hmm… that’s deep.