Its been a long time boys and girls

four years..well its a long time. Lets see what have i done since then.


well at the age of almost 35 I had a baby . Yep I actually thought I had cancer, they ran tests. Pee test nothing. Then they ran a blood test. I was 19 weeks pregnant. He is 3 now. He is sweet, affectionate, kind and deeply loving. For those that have read my stuff before you may remember I already had a teenager.  So he is 16 and he shares his room with a 3 year old. He loves it though. Thick as thieves those 2.


I still work at the same place. I have for about 10 years now. I have days were I like it and days where I would like to burn everyone and laugh. 🙂

I have to say I am seriously happy to have my writings back. Since opendiary was closed I have discovered bullet journalling and I deeply enjoy it. I also am in a long Distance relationship with a dude. Its been lovely and some times extremely trying because lets face it, relationships require work. LOads and Loads of work.


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April 26, 2018

I’m so glad that our diaries weren’t lost. It’s nice to reconnect with our friends.