my son is a great procastinator

My son has managed to take three hours to feed the cat, wash out his dinner dishes and take a bath..Its insane. And mildly annoying.

I really,really want to go to bed,and I cant until he gets his silly butt done. 

I would yell at him and follow him around and he might go faster but I had to do laundry and crap so I couldnt..

which means he didnt do a damn thing.

It started snowing this afternoon. And It is still snowing..with sleet now. They havent called his school out yet.

If they do I cant work tomorrow…So I kind of want him to have school tomorrow.

My mom got him this singing sock monkey that sings bruno mars song Just the way you are…

I kind hate that song now…



So I am gonna go watch Being Human and Lost girl and then do some sleepin stuff.



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February 18, 2012

My kids are really great at going slow too. I usually follow my kids around reminding them to hurry but that isn’t always an option I know. Don’t you hate it?

April 28, 2012

I guess at least he is doing his chores? ^^ Sounds like you seem quite tired.