Negative Emotions and Music*article*

Negative emotions are produced through listening to music are considered,by most To be a pleasurable and positive experience. *Levinson*Asks a good question" why do seemingly sensitive people listen to/find the negative music as a pleasurable experience?

Full fledged emotions roused by good,heart wrenching music is the corner stone for many groups of people today. We use it to express ourselves. To explain a situation. Or to use it to tell our story. It affluences poetry and affects us on many levels.

What song touches you and why? Is another good question. Some researchers believe that feelings based on music are not in turn real emotion. They are affected out of stimuli. We experience the story of the song in our apreciation but we ourselves have not a single tying emotion to it. So in turn we are really experiencing abstract emotions. feelings Based on what another human being is feeling.  Abstract emotions change in time. They do not stick with us.For example if we know of someone in our life that I died and we had real emotions based on that friendship our saddness would be devastating. It would also be based on real emotion.Based on-associated beliefs,desires and attitudes. regarding the situation. But if it is a song that makes us sad we feel it. On many different levels it depends on the person in actuality.

How we feel it is largely based on how we feel at the time.If we are already sad then it touches us even more. If we are not sad to begin with it affects us to slight degrees. More like the heart of the human condition. We sigh and say I understand that. Because maybe at one time or another we have felt that way.

Questions of the day:

Does music affect you because you feel it is apart of you?

Or because you identify with their pain?

Why listen to sad music?

What would the world be like without music?



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Music is important to me because of how I relate to it or identify with it. I listen to sad music for the same reason I listen to energizing music: to enhance what I’m feeling. The world without music would be a very dull place.

August 5, 2006

I listen to music for all sorts of reasons. I love to sing for one. When I hear sad songs, I think about my past and what the song meant to me in that time. Or sometimes it can be present felings because it touches my soul and makes me feel things. Garth Brooks was my brothers favorite singer and everytime I hear song of him, I am torn between 2 emotions, happiness and greif. It makes me smieto remember how he would just Jam out and blare the raido and then it pains me when I listen to The Dance, because it is EXCATLY how I feel about him.