So wow.

Ok. I donno what the deal is.But alot has happened to me in two days. It is like an amassive quanity of things can get done If I have free time.

anyway So i already wrote about the boy i went on the date with Jared. Well he came over yesterday. I gave him a wierd look. Because he called me and asked me what I was doing. I told him I had alot of stuff to do and I would be busy..Which is not a house was disaster..I had alot of stuff to do. But well..He didnt listen and came over anyway. I needed to talk to him to straighten somethings out so I let him in.

I pretty much told him I don’t want a boyfriend. Remember folks? I didnt even want to call boomer my boyfriend and we all know how much i liked him.He asked me if I wanted to go to church with him. can you all imagine me in a church? No seriously…what the crap???

anyway I said no again.i said No alot during his visit. No You wont be my boyfriend .No I won’t have sex with you again. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. get the idea? uhm hm. Exactly.

Now don’t get me wrong.He is a nice guy. He has his heart in a good place he really does. But erhm. I don’t think we are on the same wave length at all.

So after he left. I cleaned my room. Reorganized my shelves. While doing so I spilled over a huge canister of glitter. By the way glitter is really hard to vaccumn. Then I organized the living room and kitchen and cleaned the bathroom.

Then I took a break and chatted with some folks online.

Then i got another phone call. And It was Jamie. I talked to her. Then I painted. I painted and Painted.

I had this huge creative burst.

I got three really great abstract pieces out of it.

One called: The deep blue. WHich I gave to Jamie.

Another called: Distress.

and then thirdly one called seasons: Which I am giving to Jared. Because he would like it muchly. ( He was my friend before the last two days ya’ll and he is a gardener.)

Then I cleaned out and weeded my herb garden and came back in an wrote the poetry i usually write on my art on the bottom. After the paint dries. I started a fourth painting. Which I am giving to someone when it gets finnished. Itll be a while.

Anyway the fair is heading out of town. Makes me a little sad cz a bunch of those carnies are my friend. I am so gonna miss them.

But anyway this girl is getting on the sleepy side. I treated Jamie to breakfast and I am stuffed plum  full.

Tiamo mi amigos y mi amigas.


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August 6, 2006

Love your overall attitude for yourself and your diary! Great boat of self-confidence. Finally, a woman with her head on straight! Just a visitor passing through, but after reading your diary description I figured I might fall under your least favorite things. 🙂 I’m not close minded, but my diary is an attention whore, and I may just be an idiot who tends to bend the truth.

August 6, 2006

Nevertheless, I am passing through and thought I’d leave a note anyway. Sometimes the best way to get rid of glitter is a roll of clear packaging tape; then vacuum the rest. *tips hat*

I’m glad that you were able to get things straightened out with the boy. YEY for the creative streak!

August 6, 2006

ryn: I never said anything about it being tacked down. It may be straight…but it could roll! *Hm* Anyway. I’ll be going.