smile it won’t kill you

Smile. It won’t kill you.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

This isnt really a poem more like an essay or a run of words. It is in my book that I am working on that when I am finished I will safely tuck it under my bed.

Smile. IT will make you feel

Smile It will make you heal.
Smile It will make it real.

It has been said..The greatest gift ever given is a smile.

A simple show of kindness. I say why not smile. The dark is around anyway. Let those that need guidance see beauty on your face.Let them see kindness and Grace.Just give them a smile.Give them God with your smile.

A homeless woman walks by you have nothing to give you say..Try a little love..Give them a little smile.

She walks to a park and sees a man on a bench he is missing shoes, She found some in a alley, Because of the kindness you gave her, she gives him the shoes.And in turn he gives her the ten dollars you didnt have. She gets a meal.He gets his respect back..A little longer down the rode he is walking home, He sees a girl in the street, she looks beaten and scared, He takes her to a shelter completely out of his way. He tells her about the homeless person, and about your smile.She grows up to be a remarkable person. Many years later, you are in a hospital a female doctor takes care of you. You are scared and being the person she is, she tells you a story about how a smile saved her life.

Now when was the last time you smiled at a stranger?

That is it

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