Merry Christmas!

with food poisoning.

i guess i had some bad subway yesterday and spent the entire night in my room, and in the bathroom throwing up.

i haven’t thrown up today yet, but i’m so dizzy i can barely stand, so i’ve spent all but 40 minutes in bed.

got some nice gifts, nice to see the family.  just wish i could spend more time with them.  what a shitty christmas.

i was so exicted too… heather and i were supposed to be cooking dinner this year.  but we all see how well that turned out.  *sigh*


Merry Christmas and much love to you all.

– noah

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December 25, 2007

Could be the flu. Either way, it’s a big YUCK! I hope you feel better!!! What a crappy way to spend Christmas!!! Much love, and some healing hugs!! merry christmas noah!!

December 25, 2007

ewww. feel better dear. *hug*

December 25, 2007

Aw, I’m sorry you had a bad Christmas. I hope you are feeling better!

December 25, 2007

Feel better! I suggest ginger ale. Whenever I have a case of the barfing my brains out, it’s what I reach for first. That should be the slogan for Canada Dry or something… Merry Christmas regardless 🙂

December 25, 2007

That’s when you go to the pharmacy, buy a ton of upset tummy medications, take the receipt to Subway and make them reimburse you for the food you ate AND the medicine it took to help you get the junk out of your system.

December 26, 2007

Re: Do you want me to do it? I can be brave for you. 🙂

December 26, 2007

aw, so sorry you got sick! That’s no fun! =( Glad you had a nice Christmas (minus the barfing)! xo

December 26, 2007

Awww… .I hope you feel better soon!

December 27, 2007

awwww boo. food poisoning sucks 😀 feel better k! Enjoy the rest of the holiday 😀