When did this become my life?!

I don’t even know how to write about everything that’s going on right now. My life is so good I didn’t know this was possible!

Beautiful apt, amazing job (I didn’t know it was possible to make this much money!), the best friends in the world (many of which are from OD), an amazing voice teacher/mentor/friend, a fantastic manager, wonderful family, in a phenomenal new opera (at the Met!!!) that just got a huge ovation at our opening tonight, and then this happens…

I know I’ve talked about her in the past, Lindsey. I’m going to spare you the long story and just tell you that I’ve loved her since the first time I ever met her. Smart as a whip, an amazing soprano, modest (thank god), and stunningly gorgeous. Not gonna lie… it hurts she’s so beautiful.

I had long ago told myself that nothing would ever happen between us, and over the last 3 years of knowing each other we’ve become very close friends. In truth she’s as close to being a best friend as I’ve let someone be in a long time.

But then tonight… I had gotten her tickets to the show tonight, and she agreed to be my date to the after show gala. I came out to see her in the lobby and got a giant hug, “friendly” kiss on the lips (not unusual in this business) and we started making our way up to the Grand Tier. At the top of the steps she grabbed my hand and we turned to hug again and basically fell into one of the most passionate kisses I’ve ever had… on the top steps of the Met, Swarovski chandeliers everywhere, red carpet and velvet curtains on the walls, gold adorning everything… And we were kissing, madly. We finally stepped back and stared at each other surprised.

“Did you know that was going to happen?” I asked.

“I kinda thought it would…” She smiled at me, took my hand and we walked into the Gala.

I introduced her all night to everyone I knew (she was star struck more than a few times which was so fun to be a part of). We had champagne, shared a dessert or two, chatted up a few friends, and then jumped into a cab towards her place. I told the cab to wait for me and I walked her to the door. We made out and held each other for a bit (yes, this was all starting to feel like a NYC romantic comedy) and I watched her go inside and I walked back to the cab and came home.

I know that she is not in a place for a serious relationship, but neither am I to be honest. (Already proved that to myself already, which I’ll explain at a later date.) So, like we said at the door, “why does it have to be anything?” How about we just sit back and enjoy each other’s company as we always have.

My life is perfect for once. 🙂

I’m sorry I’ve been so distance. I would try and say I’ll be coming back soon, but I’m pretty sure that’d be a lie. In the meantime, add me on Facebook (no guarantees I’ll be there much longer).

Just ask for my name if you don’t already know it. 🙂

Love you all!

– Noah

P.S. Remind me to tell you about my amazing gym and the weight loss next time!

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October 21, 2013

I’m texting you about this as we speak, but YAY!!! :D:D:D

October 21, 2013

so happy for ya dude!!!

December 9, 2013

can we be FB friends? how does one find another on FB?

December 9, 2013

can we be FB friends? how does one find another on FB?