Today was ok

Today was a pretty good day. The sun was out and I got outside to enjoy the fresh air and warm sunshine. I do however need to change my sleeping pattern as I stay up way too late and sleep in too long. I’m a night owl but the dark thoughts come at night which really isn’t healthy for me. My eating disordered thoughts are still there but am doing my best to not let them get out of control. Although, I can say that now that these thoughts are back my thoughts of self harm through cutting or overdosing have diminished so that’s a good thing kind of. I seem to go from one unhealthy thing to the next but I’m my mind this way seems safer for now. I am still eating. Usually two meals a day because I tend to sleep in so late so that’s all I have time for. I don’t eat after 7pm as that is when I used to overeat and so far it’s helping me to drop a few pounds. I don’t want to get back down to where I was years ago at 95lbs, just want to feel comfortable in my own body again as I gained too much weight for comfort since covid restrictions started. I’m working on trying to change my negative thought patterns for now and it’s definitely challenging but I haven’t given up. I’ve found a new series on Netflix that keeps my attention and that has been very helpful. 

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May 28, 2020

Sounds all good to me. Progress is never a straight line, and small, strange wins (like one mental illness compensating for a worse one) are still wins. Keep up the good fight.

May 30, 2020

@smokedragon thank you. I’ll fight to the end for sure