A Broken Girl and Her Looking Glass

Look hard at my reflection in the looking glass

look hard into me and tell me what you see

through the anguished cries that escape my lips

through the river of tears that streams from my open portals

escaping from my soul the deepest of sorrows

darkest miseries

what do you see on my surface

ugliness, stupidity, a foolish girl undeserving of love

what do you see on the inside

can you see the torture that runs in my blood

do you even realize the inner struggle that goes on deep within

the problem lies within me, and within your lack to see

for you only glance at my surface

unaware and oblivious to what really makes up the many aspects of me

lost inside a prison of my own creation

trapped within the walls of my own heart

the walls that I resurrected myself

in a desperate attempt to keep myself safe

and if I break down those walls why should it be for you

throw myself on the void mercy of someone who doesn’t even know me any longer

and once my heart, my soul, my spirit has been cast away into oblivion

can I trust it to be safe or know that it will be devasted and destroyed beyond all recognition

so please, turn round one last time and look at me through that looking glass

then ask your self, what do I see

and once you find your answer ask yourself

am I really seeing

or is it what you want to see

do you really see  the true reflection of the ravaged girl in the looking glass






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December 16, 2007

I read this and all I could think of doing was poking your surface to see if it ripples. I liked it. Piece.

December 16, 2007

that was good, but I have a feeling that was pointing towards me again.

December 17, 2007
December 17, 2007

thanks for the note. i’m not really sure what really goes with letting him into my life. i’m just really confused right now. but thanks hun!

December 17, 2007

ryn: Yes it was the Christmas card from you. I think you got mine 🙂 I only have these meds for 5 days, 2 more days to go. Take care.