busy with the family

 Its been a while since I have been on here. I have just been so busy and I haven’t been feeling very well so I haven’t had a lot of time to get on here.

I don’t even remember what my last entry was about.

Christmas was great. Being here with my family is even better. I have been spending most of my time playing Halo online with David, Allison and Eric and its been fun. I am actually getting better at it because when I started out I sucked lol.

Our vacation is winding down. We leave for NC on Saturday but I am kinda looking forward to going home. I miss our bed and our shower since the water pressure here is for shit. I hope that my car and our apartment is ok since no one has been there for almost 2 weeks now.

New Years is right around the corner but it looks like this year is going to be great. I already started my new year on Samhain but its going to be nice to watch the ball drop and kiss hubby to ring in 2009. I don’t know what is going on with New Years Eve yet, but I know that it won’t be anything crazy. Most likely it will just be family and friends which is fine with me. There is going to be so much to do after new years. I have some things that I want to do still while I’m here. I still have the Wicca store to visit so I can stock up on some supplies. I want to get to the mall so I can use my giftcard and I still haven’t seen Nina or Ashley yet but I have been doing so much family stuff that I just haven’t had time. Four days left til we leave. I am not looking forward to the 7 hour drive… BLEH!

Tomorrow I am going over Erics to play Little Big Planet and going out to dinner with Nina and Jon. She is about 8 months preggo and I haven’t seen her since she was about 2 months preggo so I’m excited to see her. I don’t know what else is going on tomorrow…. things just have a way of popping up.

Tomorrow is my grammommy’s birthday… I think she is going to be 76 or 77, I don’t remember which. It was great to see her and she is coming to NC at the end of Jan or the beginning of Feb and Chris and I are both excited about that.

I guess thats all I got for now…. maybe I will get some pictures up later.


photobucket… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true! photobucket… music is my life

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I’m glad you’re having a blast! It’s all about the family, enjoy yourself now worry about the drive later if you have enough fun it’ll be worth it ! Did you get any cool christmas presents ?

December 30, 2008
December 30, 2008

Sounds like everything is going great! I hope you enjoy your New Years!!! <3

December 31, 2008

I’m glad you’re having some fun and enjoying your time with your family!