forget it all

I have no idea what is going to happen now. Everything has changed. Chris broke his ankle and he is going to need surgery.

After everything that happened that morning I was waiting for him to get home so we could talk. Well he is usually home around 5:30, but 5:45 rolls around and I still haven’t heard anything so I text him again. He texts me back that he is in the hospital waiting on x-rays of his ankle. At this point I’m trying not to freak out. I asked him what happened and he said that it was a bad landing coming off the jump. So I run to grab a shower, get dressed, get Nicholai fed and we are out the door.

I get to the hospital and finally figure out how to get back to see him and there he is… leg propped up and swollen. OMG I so badly wanted to just break down after everything else that happened that day but I could see how upset he was about it. And thats when he told me that he was going to need surgery. Apparently he needs a plate and a screw put in his ankle so that the ligaments and tendons can heal properly. He is on bedrest until the surgery so the swelling will go down enough so they can operate and then he is going to have to stay off of it for 12 weeks and then go back and have more surgery to take the screw out. Recovery period… 4-6months. He is going to need rehab. So he won’t be deploying in January, but this isn’t the way I wanted him to get out of it. They said that he will most likely never go back to 100% on the ankle but that without the surgery the overall recovery would be worse.

So he is in a cast for now, on crutches, he can hardly get around…. but he will be home for a good 2 months. I still can’t believe this is happening and if he can’t jump after all this recovery… then he is going to have to change his MOS which means we may have to move and who knows what else.

I am overwhelmed. But I am just so glad that he is ok. I never even imagined him getting hurt on a jump. I’ve watched him jump twice now, he has had 35 jumps without incident and it was the 36th jump that this happened on.

I am just so glad that he is ok and it wasn’t worse because someone broke their hip on this jump. Ugh my nerves are so shot right now.

photobucket… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true! photobucket… music is my life

lilypie first birthday tickers

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September 15, 2009

I am so sorry to hear about Chris. I hope his recovery goes good. Bright side atleast is he isnt going anywhere.

September 16, 2009

omg, I’m so sorry!! hang in there!

September 16, 2009

so sorry to hear about Chris.. i hope everything goes smoothly for him and you while he’s home.

September 16, 2009

Glad to hear he is OK, Just remember it could be worse at least it is just his ankle. Someone is looking out for him- he’s not going to Afghanistan… God Speed

September 16, 2009

Random: Oh wow! I’m glad he wasn’t hurt worse! My husband recently broke his finger in training, but this is much more serious. I wish you both the best of luck in the future.

September 16, 2009

OMG hun! Wow I hope he gets better and everything can workout!

September 16, 2009

everything happens for a reason , just thank God it’s not worse than what it is. i’m sure things will work out! in my thoughts and prayers!

September 17, 2009

omg i’m sorry to hear that..i’m glad he’s okay

September 19, 2009
September 19, 2009

i’m glad he gets out of deployment but it sucks how it had to happen