hectic hectic

I haven’t been able to find the time to get on in the past couple days… things have been so crazy here. Hubby is due to have surgery on his ankle on Thursday and we are going to the anestesiologist tomorrow to do pre-op. I don’t know when his surgery is, how long its going to take… anything… all I know is that we have to be at the hospital at 1pm tomorrow. He hasn’t been doing too bad pain wise thankfully. He will be off of work for a month atleast. I still can’t believe that this happened. I am feeling a lot better about dealing with all this. I was, I guess depressed is the best word to describe how I was feeling in the beginning of all this, but I have gotten into the swing of taking care of both my boys and the house and everything else. I feel more like myself again. Our future is still up in the air but I am trying not to think about that… right now I am just enjoying having hubby home even if he can’t do much.

Nicholai is doing great. I will have to post some more pics of him soon… I just don’t feel like messing with photobucket right now. He is sleeping longer and longer through the nights now which helps me… sleep is always nice to have.

I am still worried about hubby having surgery, but I’m trying to wear my brave face for his sake because he is worried about having surgery and being put under… so I have been trying to do little things to make him smile. His game came out today, Halo ODST, he has been waiting for it forever so when I went in to pick it up I got him some Halo magnets too. He thought they were cool. I also made him pigs in a blanket so he could snack on them while he was playing. He was so excited about it. Just shows me how much the little things that I do really do matter.

My grammommy came down on Sunday. She is going to stay with us until Chris has the surgery, and Nicholai has gotten to meet his 2nd great grandmother. I can’t believe that he has 2! He is such a lucky little boy.

And on Friday Nicholai will be a month old… I can’t believe it. I can’t believe that I had him almost a month ago or that I have been a mother for almost a month. He has smiled and laughed a couple times already, though I know it isn’t on purpose but it doesn’t matter to me… it’s the more adorable thing I have ever seen or heard. He also got scared for the first time the other day. He was half asleep in bed with us and my friend text me and my phone went off and he jumped and started crying, it was so sad but so cute so I picked him up and he calmed down instantly. It’s nice to know that he knows he is safe with me.

I don’t know how much I will be able to update over the next couple days because so much is going on, but as soon as I get another free moment I will update again.

Just think some positive thoughts for Chris on Thursday…. thank you.

photobucket… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true! photobucket… music is my life

lilypie first birthday tickers

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September 22, 2009

I hope he surgery goes smoothly and he recovers fast!

September 23, 2009

Best of luck with the surgery , I’m sure everything will be alright. Things always get better , its just hard to see whilst in the middle of it all. *hugs*

September 23, 2009

I hope your husband’s surgery goes well. I am so happy that my son has all of his granparents, and even a couple of great-grandparents. I grew up without any at all so I am very happy for him that he has his. 🙂

September 23, 2009

I’ll be sending positive vibes your way! I’m sure the surgery will go just fine!! -E

September 23, 2009

I hope the surgery goes good on thursday! your doing a great job hanging in there for your boys! goodluck hun!!

September 24, 2009

hope all goes well!!!!!

September 24, 2009

i hope his surgery went well

September 26, 2009

hope the surgery goes well for your hubby