like falling in love all over again

I almost can’t believe that hubby and I were fighting. It feels like it never happened. His surgery was Thursday and we barely spoke to each other for about 2 days after and let me just say that it was the longest 2 days of my life. I started texting Candice, complaining and venting about what was going on between Chris and I. Chris woke up while I was watching P.S. I Love You, which by the way is such a cute movie. I think it was partly because of Candice and partly because of the movie, but when the movie ended I went to hand Chris the remote because I was going to jump in the shower and he just looked at me with tears in his eyes and grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him and started crying. I have never seen Chris cry like that before so of course I start crying and we just lay there, cuddled on the couch together crying for a while. And then we started talking about everything, how we were feeling about everything. I fell in love with him all over again. It takes a lot for a guy to open himself up like that, especially in front of someone and to see Chris pour his emotions out like that made me feel like I could trust him again. And we got past everything… all the hurt and anger that formed over the last couple days. We have become so much stronger as a couple because of it.

I never thought that Chris and I would ever fight like that, I knew he and I would never fight wiith raised voices, but even without them, it was our worst fight so far but it’s nice to know that we can survive and make up, we both learned a lot through this and we really have grown as a couple. It’s almost like we have gone back to that honeymoon stage where we are always kissing and holding hands and looking at each other with doe eyes. Flirting and sending sappy text messages…. holding each other all night long… so I guess all in all the fight was worth it to go back to this. Making up is amazing!

Chris’s ankle is doing well, he isn’t in very much pain and hasn’t taken very much pain medication at all. In fact I don’t think he even took his morphine last night or any of his percocet. He is on convo leave until the 15th of October and then I have to start driving him to work.

I went to the dentist today. Considering I haven’t had a cleaning done since I was about 10 and them only finding 2 cavities I think I have been taking pretty good care of my teeth. I still need braces but I have a feeling I will never get them and I’m ok with that. So 2 cavities to fill 4 wisdom teeth to pull and then I will be all set.

Next week is going to be insane. Nicholai has his 1 month appt on Monday, I have my 6 week OB appt on Tuesday, hubs has his follow-up appt on Thursday and then Molly and I are going to Greenville to meet some of the SG girls on Saturday. So Chris and I are trying to just relax around the house this week in preperation for the insanity that is going to come with next week.

Nicholai is doing great. Still haven’t gotten on a real schedule, but he has his good nights and bad nights. He smiles and laughs more now and is a lot more awake during the day, but I have a feeling we are coming up on a growth spurt because he is starting to be more and more cranky. He still wears newborn diapers and is still in newborn clothes. He doesn’t fit into any of his 0-3 months clothes yet, but he is growing. I will have to post some pics of him, but right now he is sitting in his Boppy next to me so I’m not about to try and find the cable to my camera right now lol.

I will try to get on here more and post and I know I have a lot of favs to catch up on… I will get there. I promise.

Uh oh.. cranky Nicholai is calling.

photobucket… don’t be afraid, sometimes they come true! photobucket… music is my life

lilypie first birthday tickers

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September 28, 2009

what a great guy you have. most guys don’t handle arguements that well

September 28, 2009

so glad you guys were able to talk finally! what a relief for you! (((hugs)))

Just catching up with the last month of entries…sounds like things have been crazy. I can’t believe your little man is almost a month old!!! I hope Chris feels better soon. Best of luck with everything!

October 1, 2009

I love that movie , how sad is it though! I’m glad you and Chris are all good again 🙂

October 4, 2009

wow im glad things got better