Better Day

This morning I woke up without the heaviness of depression and I was so glad, how good that feels!  When I took my cpap mask off I said to myself that I hope my new Cpap mask would come, it was so uncomfortable so imagine how happy I was when my phone rang and it was the delivery guy with my stuff.  I really don’t mind using it when it fits right, it doesn’t bother me and I wake up feeling more rested.  Looks pretty stupid though ha.

It’s cooler today but not below zero so 30 is fine for me.  Chels and I are finally going out to lunch tomorrow  and I’m really looking forward to that.  We all are also are talking about all of us having a sleepover at her house this weekend.  She lives right in the middle of all of us so that’s where we always meet up.  It’s going to rain on Saturday then that freezing rain and snow but Chels thinks the roads will be ok on Sunday when I drive home because it’s going to be 30 again.  We’ll see, if they aren’t I’m staying til Monday whether she wants me to or not ha.  She won’t mind though.  I love when we’re all together so it’s worth driving in the crappy weather.

I don’t have too much on my mind today but that’s good because my brain has been too active with a lot of negative stuff so it’s a relief to have it quiet.  I am paying bills today, it always feels good to have that done.  The only check I write is for my rent, the rest is online although the company I get my inernet from has been driving me crazy because ever since I got my new card 5 months ago due to fraud on my old one, they can’t seem to get my autopay working even though I’ve called every month since I got it.  I even did it online hoping that would work but it didn’t so I have to call again this month to pay it and try to get them to fix it.  The first one was late because I thought  it was all set up and I didn’t get a reminder until after it was late.  That really ticked me off.  I always get stuck holding waiting for someone to help me and since TDS is all over it usually takes a long time and that’s so annoying.

I’m going to windex my pictures today and that  takes a while because I am surrounded by them.  I have tons of them up and they all  make me smile so I love them.  Logan and Jersey got me a picture calendar for Christmas  so I have that too.  I’m so lucky that I have such a loving close family and I know that and am very thankful.

Right now I better go hunt down our maintenance man to make  sure he can take my old microwave because I am getting a new one tomorrow.  I hope I can find him because apparently our manager is not in today, there was no answer when I called.  This could take awhile because he could be anywhere, hopefully not in any apartment so I’m gonna do that before it gets too late.  Have a great day!

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March 7, 2022

I’m glad the depression was lighter today. Some days are good, others are a struggle. I know from personal experience. It helps having loving family and friends around, which it seems you have.

Have a great day!

March 14, 2022

@mara3470 Thank you for your note 🙂 Yes I am blessed with my family and friends