






looky at one of the things i got for christmas from dennis. *pets it*

it’s a pretty baby style doll coat. yum. brace yourselves. on the american website, it is $72 cheaper than we paid in the Gap store!!! wtf???

i was so mad. i tried on every coat in the mall (well, ones i liked) and NONE fit me. they were larges and extra larges! wtf? i normally wear larges in shirts and whatnot so what is up with the coats in that bloody mall? none fit me in the shoulders and boobs!!! i got one at the gap finally.  of all places. the one dennis had picked out when he was shopping was so pretty but didn’t fit. they don’t carry anything bigger at urban behaviour. la-di-da

it’ll go nicely with my hat. 🙂

i got dennis a digital picture frame and 2 magazines (they came to $18!) and that took up 2 months of my pay. i was so proud i could pay for it myself. that reminds me. i have to move my money from my paypal account.

had a great lunch with my friends yesterday. didn’t go to the club party b/c i was sick. didn’t enjoy tree day b/c i hate the cold. we’ll decorate tonight and i’ll get pics! 🙂



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December 10, 2007

cute coat, wayyyy too expensive in canada!

December 10, 2007

Cute jacket! =o)))

December 10, 2007

That jacket is so cute. I am so jealous of you, you have the best clothes,shoes,hats,coats. Everything! LOL! 😛

December 10, 2007

LOVE the jacket!

I like that coat…its cute!Glad things are going well. And yes, I’d still like ur address, I’m not looking for a card in return lol

Does Canada have Sesame Street on TV and muppets as well? If Canada has Sesame Street and muppets does Sawyer watch either of them? I think muppets are not on TV as much as Sesame Street is.

I don’t know what my bf is doing bothering me about not being able to see. You are right he can’t see well either. I could clean the house, but my bf doesn’t feel I do a good enough job at it. Yes, my bf likes it better when the neighbour’s wife does it. I will clean the house when his parents visit at the end of Aug for Labor Day. My bfs dog is a German Shephard. She weights right now 63 pounds, but should be around 70 something I believe. I have shown pics of my bfs dog in my diary before, but it might not have been the whole dog. Just the face. My bf isn’t the type of person to put a dog in crate in the house to keep the dog in one spot in the house.

December 10, 2007

You need to buy it and ship to an American friend and have them ship it to you It’d have tobe cheaper even if it took an extra week. Great coat though, I LOVE it!

December 11, 2007

cute coat! Sizes are so weird sometimes. It all depends on the store, the brand, and the weather…

December 19, 2007

ohhhh cute! 🙂

December 26, 2007

Oooh cute! I have a hard time finding coats that fit, too, cause I’m kinda broad in the shoulders and especially big in the boobs. Such is life, I guess. kristen