blah blah blah *train







i really need to get off my butt (or stay ON it actually) and do some work. i’ve been doing my new fashion blog (note me for it) but not my baby blog. oops. and the baby blog pays. i’m going to have one crappy pay period coming up…today. shit. argh. i wish dennis would LISTEN to me and give me time for writing. i told him i need time for it, b/c i’m not getting it done but i guess i have to give specific instruction to him or he doesn’t get it.

sawyer was super excited this morning b/c his friend charlie was at play group (summer program) this morning 🙂 he goes to preschool with charlie and we know his mom. and his mom’s sister. and his cousins, who i think were in it too but their mom hadn’t brought them in yet.

after we dropped off sawyer, we went for our walk but my pants kept falling down LOL so i didn’t do the full 3.5 k. oh well, i had to stop by preschool and get sawyer’s sunscreen so if i’d done the whole thing, i might not have noticed the school and remembered. he needs it for splash pad day tomorrow.

dennis wasn’t home til nearly 10 last night b/c he went straight from work to train in london. we managed without him but it was tiring. my mom came by to see if i needed help but sawyer was already in bed when she came. he was up pretty early and at preschool all day so he was pretty worn out. he barely made the walk home. i think i’ll have to take him in the wagon when he starts school or we’ll never make it there on time. maybe he’s got more energy in the morning though. plus i won’t get him up at 6:30 to go to school like dennis does 😉 we might put him in the school age wraparound program come winter b/c i think walking him there is going to get really tough with the snow and beau.

i’m so glad to be on antibiotics. i feel better already. downside though? condoms. blah. we do without (i’m on b.c.) when i’m not on antibiotics, but as you all know, antibiotics lower the effect of the pill. i really needed to be on macrobid though. i have a LOT coming up the next couple weekends and i can’t be troubled by my bladder during all of it. i just won’t be able to handle that. we have a bday party for our Godson, a wedding & reception, and the club party ALL on saturday. sunday, we have family pictures (dennis’s family) on the beach. i wish they’d asked for opinions on who to hire; i would’ve suggested a friend of mine who does really great work (if you lived closer, sue, i’d suggest you!) no one asked though. they just chose someone when my SIL’s camera went on the fritz. ugh. that family. i swear.

anyway. beau and i have to pick sawyer up in a while.

oh! i downloaded red hot chili pepper’s stadium arcadium. for RHCP fans, it’s SO good so far. sorry, pepper, but i didn’t like the rob thomas CD but i gave it a shot! 🙂


the train sawyer drew at play group today. he says he did it all by himself. i was pretty impressed:


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July 15, 2009

Cute pic, I like the necklace!

July 15, 2009

Well, if the photos turn out not so great, we’ll set a shoot up together and you can show them off and brag about your better pictures. 🙂 I do appreciate the thought!

July 15, 2009

aww i love that pic of you There have been times when Kyle’s sister planned things without asking us. I always hate that.

July 15, 2009

cute necklace!!!! have you ever thought about taking herbs on a daily basis to try to prevent your bladder infections??? are you drinking enough water? cleaning before and after sex? don’t mind me, it’s just the medical speaking, lol ;P

July 15, 2009

that train is awesome!!! Isn’t amazing what kids can do and you don’t even know it?

July 15, 2009

That’s a pretty impressive train! I’d be interested in seeing your blogs. 🙂

July 15, 2009

Love the pic of you, gorgeous necklace!! Good job Sawyer with the drawing :o)

July 15, 2009

Awesome train! And you look so pretty in that pic of you too!

July 15, 2009

I’m impressed! That’s a friggin’ train right there! What a smart boy! 😉 You are looking good and like me, your pants are falling off! Haha! That feels incredible, right?!

July 15, 2009

The train is really cute; he did a great job!

July 16, 2009

I wish I got paid to blog. I might actually keep up.

July 16, 2009

re: no problem!!!!!! vitamin c and cranberry are actually very cheap. i looked up the price for the d-mannose powder and it was less than $20 american dollars. if it’s too much more expensive for you to buy, i’ll get it here and mail it to you!

July 16, 2009

RYN: I fixed it

July 19, 2009

awe, 5 stars for sawyers train pic 🙂