had it redone





 *haha you self-proclaimed "wimpy" girls are too funny. what is the attachment to hair all about? i never get attached. it grows back. i figure, esp. those of you who do this, if you tie it back all the time, what’s the difference?!! you’re not wearing it long or down anyway. i need to learn to stop getting a bee in my bonnet and leave it alone. lol. i always get sick of it and chop it off. i look cute with it longer in ponytails and stuff but i hate having it long. and it’s cute short too but harder to take care of.


mom and i went shopping. we bought a few shirts for sawyer. i’m making a little collection of new school clothes for him. 🙂 beau got a new onesie and shorts just like a pair sawyer has (see picture below) and a toy cow. sawyer got a cute outfit and thomas swim shorts too.i got a dress for our next wedding. i think i need the full length granny panties for underneath and i’ll be smokin’.july31019.jpg picture by tlj_03 dennis loves it. i got a couple sippy cups for beau, b/c i plan to switch him to cups when he’s a year, same as i did with sawyer. he got some shorts too. we had fun, just mom, beau, and i school shopping for sawyer. LOL. i got him a Cars case for his crayons and stuff..or whatever it is he has to take. i don’t have my list yet. i hear each parent is asked to donate a box of kleenex. smart thinking on the teacher’s part! 

i got my hair redone today. i just washed and redid it (dennis didn’t like the top-she blowdried it so that it had "height". i’m not really into that look-a little old for me) so i’m waiting for it to dry. here it is styled by the hairdresser. it’s shorter than it was and cute and i’m wearing the dress i got the other day:


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here’s dennis in the shirt (love it) i got him yesterday (i got new swim shorts for him too b/c his other ones are too big but he doesn’t have them on here):

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i made him smile:

july31004crop.jpg picture by tlj_03 (i got a shirtless pose too just for me. yum)

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so, it’s almost dry now and i’m thinking i should’ve left it. oops. oh well, good thing i’m one of those ppl that knows it’ll grow in no time and i still think it’s cute on me:

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July 31, 2009

I like it! I wish I was brave enough to have such a short cut (but my hair is curly and frizzy, that wont work!). I like your dresses! I have to get more school stuff for Mare, and we do need the box of kleenex too! I can’t find the list for the life of me though :s

July 31, 2009

Yes, it’s much cuter without the height. You are brave! My hair is like my security blanket, I don’t have the guts to go short! 😛

July 31, 2009

The other cut was cute but i think i like this one more. I like your new dress too.

July 31, 2009

You and your dress look great! I liked how the hairdresser styled it, too 🙂

July 31, 2009

Hubby is so cute..you think when you are done with him I could meet him?

July 31, 2009

I like it too! And hey, if you get sick of it- it’ll grow out and you can do something new. I ALWAYS chop my hair off, grow it out, get another style, grow it, etc! lolq

July 31, 2009

Your hair looks awesome. And you are brave, that is VERY short. Not many people are that daring and even less people would be able to pull it off, but you do both so go you! RYN: I know, I’m wondering who thought it was a good idea to assign a bunch of kids that kind of project. Come on now, they had to know the parents, or in this case brother-in-law, would end up doing all the work! Phonecalls with the bf are adorable now, but in 10 years…not so much lol That’s Happy Bunny on my shirt, in skeleton form 🙂 I suppose I’ll let you get away with JUST being a Facebook buddy 😉

July 31, 2009

I love your hair. But yeah I have to say I’m a huge wimp when it comes to my hair. I’m seriously afraid to do anything to it. Haha! But you’re rockin’ the short ‘do! Aaand you look so thin in that dress. You look good! Yay school supplies for Sawyer. I bet he’s so excited!

July 31, 2009

Very cute!

August 1, 2009

Your hair looks really cute. I like having long hair and tying it back. I don’t like my hair blowing everywhere, so short hair bugs me. Heh.

August 2, 2009

I think it looks great. I really love that last picture, too. And I wanna squeeze Beau, LOL What do you do when you switch them to cups? Just give him a cup rather than a bottle? We’ve tried a sippy for Sean but he doesn’t do much with it. Lately, he’s been holding his bottle when we’re holding him and THROWING himself backward so he can drink, so maybe he would get it now. kristen