okay so far

okay, so, i was VERY sick yesterday. i didn’t puke but i was shopping with my mom and i could barely do it.  i had to sit down and i just felt nauseous (still had the poops [sorry] too).  so, i’m worried that it’s dairy products that are doing it to me and that i’m getting overexcited in thinking i’m pregnant.  so i just had a peanut butter bagel for breakfast and i’m drinking water to see how things go.

so far, i’m okay.  i feel a little yucky but not as bad as yesterday. i’m almost hoping to feel worse…i don’t want it to be an intolerance to dairy. i want it to be a baby that is making me sick….

but i have to be realistic.  if i get my hopes up too much, i could be disappointed.

but i really hope the “baby dust” is working.


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April 20, 2005

Hi!! I love making new OD friends!!! I’ll add you to my faves as well. We certainly are going through alot of the same things. I have been feeling yucky lately too so I know how you’re feeling! It always seems easier to tolerate being sick if you know there’s a good reason for it! 🙂 Good luck!

April 20, 2005

How long until you can test! I know it seems like you might be just hoping to be pregnant, but remember you very well can be! I hope so! :o)

April 21, 2005

RYN: I’m the same way, I try not to get excited about possible symptoms because the letdowns hurt so much. I guess it’s a way of protecting ourselves. :o)