





waited well over an hour in ambulatory care today. my doctor FORGOT about me. dennis’s head was about to explode when he found out (he was waiting in the car with beau-he went to the store after dropping me off but parked at the hospital and waited after that.) he is SO busy at work right now, it’s ridiculous. he didn’t have time to wait around for 2 hours.  a wonderful nurse named joanne (who, believe or not, has done this before for me-with a dietician who forgot about me) tracked him down and he did it at his office. so, now i have my shot in my heel and let’s hope that takes care of my heel spur. i was able to talk him into giving me a month of macrobid b/c my stupid urine sample came back neg. that happens to me all the time and i KNOW when i have an infection. it was prob just too soon to tell, though when the hurse did the dip, it showed up so wtf? why is the lab test always neg.????? argh. anyway, talked him into that so i should be feeling better soon from the infection that won’t go away.

a cute pic of beau BEFORE he had a giant poop and i changed him to another cute outfit. dennis didn’t like the hat but screw him. beau looks cute. i’m on my own til about 9 or 10 p.m. b/c dennis is going straight to adrenaline in london to train after work. argh. so good thing i made supper last night (go me-dennis was stressed at work so i had supper all ready for him when he got home) and there are leftovers.

now that my foot is frozen and i can walk, i think beau and i will go up to the restaurant. hopefully he falls asleep and i can enjoy some time alone.


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July 19, 2009

awe cute outfit 🙂 i like the hat!