yuck *EDIT*


sawyer and i are sick. i think i have not only managed to get a cold but an ear infection too.

we’re having personal problems here too.


so tired. so sad.

on a good note, i’m supposed to see the holiday tonight. we’ll see how i feel later on. party saturday night. christmas eve at dennis’s parents’ sunday. busy, busy sick people, we are. sawyer is staying home with nana tonight though, so he should be fine. he only has the cough and seems like he’ll get better fairly quickly.



now i seem to have stuff coming out of my eye…or rather building up in it. argh. i just wanted to go to the movies with friends but it looks like i might be staying in. i feel like i can’t catch a break. seriously, now, i don’t get these chances often!! i even have new glasses without scratches or smudges; i will be able to see the movie! come on!!

i’m beginning to feel like a hopeless case at this point. yuck. stuff in the eye sucks.

oh, and sawyer is whiney too.

fun fun.

by the way, dennis is going out with the guys.




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December 22, 2006

Ohhh I hope you’re better for Christmas!!

December 22, 2006

sorry to hear you’re sick… and having personal problems. *hugs* If there’s anything I can do let me know. 🙂

When I got a cold, I got this new stuff called Zicam. I don’t know if they have it in Canada…but I honest to god felt better a day later.

December 22, 2006

Hope you feel better were still fighting with are colds too. HUGS

December 22, 2006


sorry you’re having personal problems. and sorry you’re sick. i’m sick too, and it sucks. cause christmas is so soon. RYN: yes yay for cookies. lol that’s what EVERYONE said in their notes. i got him a cd that he wanted. i’m putting together a little box of small gifts with “coupons”, cause i don’t have much money and he likes sweet things. just little things that mean something between us..

so far it has hershey’s kisses, the cd, a box of brownie mix, mixed cd that i’m making him, a book of mine that i want him to read, a frame with a picture of us in it, some altoids, and i’m gonna write him a letter. the coupons are gonna say things like “worth 1 batch of brownies” or “worth 1000 kisses” and silly things like that. not much, i know. but it’s all i can afford.

December 22, 2006

I can’t wait to hear what you think about the movie!! I hope everyone feels better soon!

December 22, 2006

HOpe you both feel better soon!

December 22, 2006

feel better soon honey! *HUGS* RYN: yes he has grills..lol

Oh I hope you both feel better for christmas

December 22, 2006

Aww i’m sorry you and Sawyer are sick,i hope y’all get well very soon. I’m also sorry about the personal problems. But i hope you have at good time at the movies and everything else y’all have planned. Ryn-Yeah, i was so not happy that day. I’m hoping next week when i go in i just talk to the woman quickly then get my BC, that’s what i was told all i have to do.

December 22, 2006

Oh no. 🙁 Feel better soon!!

December 22, 2006

They are teeth..sort of. They go over the teeth..his are made of gold and encrusted with diamonds. (I know doesnt make much sense to me either but he likes them LOL!)

December 22, 2006

Dennis wouldn’t be going anywhere if it were me! LOL

December 22, 2006

Awwwww, poor thing! You and Sawyer both! I hope that the crud stops and that you get to go out soon!

December 22, 2006

ick.. a sty or sti (whatever the heck it’s called) hope you feel better soon!

December 22, 2006

dennis should stay home and take care of you BOTH sickies.

December 22, 2006

Aww I am sorry hun. Wish you were feeling better. HUGS

ahhhhh! is it pink eye? cause pink eye SUCKS. i’m so sorry for you! *cries on your behalf* i hope you get better in the next like 2 seconds. 1 2 did ya? that’s mean of dennis. 🙁

December 22, 2006

*hugs* Feel better for Christmas xxx

*hugs* feel better soon… raspberry jam is known as a allround healing agent if you like it, have some on toast or something and it should really help clear it up.

December 22, 2006

you and sawyer feel better! christmas is only 3 days away!

Get better soon… sounds like u might need to go to a doctor w/ stuff coming out of ur eye, never heard of it. And no matter how old my baby is… he’ll always be my baby! lol… even if he’s a toddler!

December 22, 2006

Aww 🙁 *hugs* I’d invite you and your whiney baby here to see me but it would be a long walk. kristen

December 22, 2006

Feel better soon! Happy holiday weekend!

December 22, 2006

RYN: We don’t drink much either, so I know what you’re saying. The lady we were buying for has everything under the sun. She wears a specific perfume that I definitely cannot afford lol so I figured the lotions would collect dust. Why not buy her something she loves, and that would help them out with their NYE party, ya know? I couldn’t believe those B&BW prices! I rarely go in there!

December 22, 2006

Oh no! I hope you and Sawyer feel better!!!

December 23, 2006

oh my. not good at all. i hope you and sawyer get better very soon… boo at dennis for leaving ya like that.. i hope you can get out to the movie another time to make up for it try not to let this ruin ur xmas k? 🙂 **huggggs**

I hope you feel better soon:(

December 23, 2006

Sorry to hear your sick. I on;y have a small cold threatening strep throat. RYN: Deck The Halls is really funny. It is about two neighbors who are fighting to make the biggest christmas light display out of their houses. It is sort of childish but we loved it. Matt is great so far.

December 23, 2006

I am sorry 🙁 I hope you get better soon. And why is Dennis going out? Make him stay home with Sawyer so you can get some rest!

December 24, 2006

Hang in there, sweetie…And have a great Holiday!

December 26, 2006

feel better dear i hope you guys had a nice christmas!